Chapter 29: Patient Files (1/2)

”T-These... are... Patient files?” Rose reeled in shock upon seeing the title of the document

”P-Persistent Sexual Arousal? What a pervert...” Roy whispered.

”No shit, sherlock. But, Arthur Chase... Isn't that what that handsome monster told us earlier?” Nicholas jeered at Roy before jokingly commenting.

Calvin raised his head and stared at him, ”Handsome monster, you sure know how to jest. Yes, the Benevolent Father mentioned that Arthur Chase has the security access keycard for the Security Room. But the problem is where are we going to find that Arthur Chase?”

”What do you want to do, Calvin? Should we go and look for this Arthur Chase first, or do we go to the basement and turn on the electricity for the eastern side of the asylum.” Hugo asked with curiosity.

Medea also turned to look at Calvin.

Calvin could feel that Medea's gaze was somewhat strange, but since he had no time to understand the underlying meaning of her gaze. Calvin merely shrugged it before replying, ”Let's see if Nicholas can find more information about this place. The information that I bribed out of the custodians may not even be that accurate.''

Hugo nodded.

Speaking of the devil...

Nicholas exclaimed in shock.

”I found a map!”

”I found a map of the asylum!”

A loading screen appeared on the monitor and a map was revealed in front of everyone.

”Administration Block...”

”Vocational Block...”

”Recreation Area...”

”Watch Tower Grounds...”

”Medical Ward...”

”A Hospital and a Prison...?”

”There are also some areas that I can't access due to this annoying state of the art firewall,” Nicholas uttered a complaint.

”That's fine, that's good enough. Can someone draw better than me here? I want someone to draw the map and the routes, so we can use it as our reference. But since this place is too big, it's better if we just draw the map of the Vocational Block and the Medical Ward...” Calvin proposed.

”How about the Administration Block?” Rose asked.

Calvin shook his head, ”It doesn't matter, we are about to leave the Administration Block anyway after going through the flooded basement.”

”Leave? Where are we going.” Calvin's answer confused her instead.

”We are going for the medical ward and take the keycard from the hands of that Arthur Chase.”

Calvin solemnly declared. He was once an employee of Fivecent. Earlier, he had no idea where Arthur Chase was, but after seeing the map from Nicholas and realizing that the Medical Ward was available for exploration. The answer became obvious, Arthur Chase must be in the Medical Ward.

The others felt a shiver down their spines. They were already convinced of the horrors of this place. None of them dared to downplay nor underestimate the patients in this place anymore. Just the Benevolent Father alone was probably enough to annihilate them in a few seconds.

Even if they say that the other patients were weaker than the Benevolent Father.

None of them was willing to gamble.

After all, a person only had a single life and it was everyone's responsibility to take care of their own lives.

If possible, they weren't willing to risk their lives at all.

”But how can you be so sure that Arthur Chase will be in the Medical Ward?” Hugo asked in curiosity.

He turned to look at him and was about to reply when Jannette suddenly spoke, ”It's probably because the female staff of this asylum lived within the Medical Ward in close proximity with their patients so they can respond as fast as possible in emergencies...”

”Am I right, Zahra?” She looked at Zahra for confirmation.

Zahra was a bit nervous after being called out but as a diligent child who studied a lot every day.

She knew that Jannette's answer was correct. She slightly nodded their heads and everyone was convinced. No one within this group doubted Zahra's capabilities and knowledge when it came to hospitals and the morbid reality.