Chapter 12:The Top Floor! (1/2)

Calvin's face paled, but he swiftly suppressed the urge to vomit.

Assuming a facade, he asked, ”Who did such a horrible thing to you?”

”Is that person even human?”

The woman went silent for a second, ”He has already moved away from this place. It's been so long since I saw him.”

”I see...” Calvin asked, ”Then, what do you want me to do? I will do my best to help you with whatever request you have.”

”My request?” The woman paused for a moment, clearly confused, ”Nothing... It's cold... I'm drowning...”

Her voice suddenly became erratic at the end of her sentence.

Calvin deeply sighed.

He understood what the woman was trying to say.

”All right, I will inform the authorities to open the water tank on the top floor of Rhea Apartments. You can finally feel the warmth that is robbed from you by that horrible person who sealed you up there.”

The woman didn't answer.

Calvin waited for a few seconds before he stood up, ”Now, I must really come back alive after all of these.” He glanced at the woman as if he could see her through the blindfolds as he said, ”Don't worry about me. I'll definitely come back. I promise that to you. After I am done with what I need to do on the top floor. I'll be back.”

No words were exchanged.

Calvin couldn't feel the woman's presence anymore.

The turbid air vanished as if it never existed in the first place, and the breeze that could bring shivers down anyone's spine also disappeared along with it.

Calvin took a deep breath and stepped on the stairwell.

Eleventh Floor!

Calvin sped through the dark corridor of the eleventh floor.

Twelfth Floor!

Suspiciously, there was also nothing on the twelfth floor.

But Calvin didn't dare to delay anymore.

He ran through the corridor like a madman and when he stepped into the landing for the thirteenth floor.

A change occurred and Calvin himself standing in an unknown place.

Of course, he still hasn't opened his eyes.

But he knew that he was not in Rhea Apartments anymore for the air around him was lukewarm and refreshing.

Completely the opposite of the turbid air surrounding Rhea Apartments.

'What the fuck is going on? Why do I not remember encountering something like this back then?'

Calvin furrowed his eyebrows.

He reached out for the nearest wall and his pupils constricted for he could feel the texture of wood instead of concrete.

'I'm in a different place?' Calvin had an idea about what was going on. He must be inside an illusion.

If he opened his eyes and examined the illusion, he could easily find its weakness and shatter it.

However, he didn't dare to open his eyes.

The letter warned the participants to never open their eyes no matter what happened.

Calvin was intent on following that rule until he reached the top floor.

'Dang it... How am I going to get out of this place?'

Calvin's nose twitched.

He could smell the aroma of a tasty dish.

Furthermore, there was also the sound of something being stir-fried.

The smell of the meat and rice formed a harmony with the oil while it was being fried in the wok.

'F-Fried rice? That's my favorite dish!'

Calvin exclaimed.

”How was your first day at school? Did you get bullied? Let me tell you this. When you are facing a bully, you must never cower! Fight back! Make them realize that you are not someone to be trifled with!”

”Hey, dear... Calm down, calm down... Our boy is so young, how could you let him fight against bullies? Just have him report them to the teacher and they will be taught a valuable lesson for sure!”

”Dear, why are you so gentle with this brat? A man must be strong at all times! If we raise him as you said, then he'll become a cowardly man!”

”Brother! You finally came back from school? How is it? Fun, right? Wait for there, all right? Momma is teaching me how to cook your favorite fried-rice!”

”Why do you have your eyes closed? Is that some kind of a play?”

”Don't disturb him, let him play for how long he wants. I'm sure he's tired from school.”

Words drifted into Calvin's ears.