Chapter 627 - 572: Soul (1/2)

”If it's one thing Sol'khin will want from you then it's can only be your soul. You should be careful around him, especially when your transforming from one thing to another because that split second it takes you to change appearance is when he'll try to get to you. It's not easy to extract your soul if you were to resist, however, the same applies to him and Zodiak too.”

The man with the same appearance as Arthur explained the process to the latter while tapping the table to keep him focused.

”I don't know about Zodiak but when cornered, Sol'khin will definitely try to leave your brother's body even if it's too risky. He would rather flee than die with his host, it's just in his nature, just like any parasite, including you, of course. Zodiak and Forne will try to immobilize Sol'khin and then the former will use a spell that forcefully pulls the target's soul out of Leiu's body but the process can be difficult and long, especially if there's interference, which there will be, by the way.”

Perplexed, Arthur furrowed his brows and asked: ”I thought they wanted to kill Sol'khin, not extract his soul.”

”Yes, in order to kill him, it's way easier when he's in his real, spiritual form. Forne's Lightning of Destruction is lethal to immaterial beings, moreover, Zodiak's Dark Magic can act as a temporary prison. I don't know for sure but I reckon they'll first bind Sol'khin then the old man will try absorbing the soul and claim it as his own.”

”What will happen if he absorbs it?”

”Difficult to say, really. Zodiak is, more or less, you and Sol'khin so theoretically, he'll become much, much stronger but that's only if Sol'khin doesn't win the internal battle that's going to happen in Zodiak's consciousness. As it's his territory, there's a big chance he'll win but, in cases such as this, more often than not a mishap will occur. Do not forget that Sol'khin soul is stronger and bigger than Zodiak.”

”So, if I absorb Sol'khin's soul, the same thing will happen?”

In response, the man shook his head and smiled: ”Incorrect. Although you only have a third of the whole soul, you're still the main 'host' and can easily ward off Sol'khin if that were to happen. But, I do not advise you to do that as that will quicken the process of your loss of emotions and though you'll become strong, you'll become an emotionless being. If you want to, then do it after visiting the Garden of Words and evolving your current race.”

Seeing Arthur's complex look, the man added: ”Don't be discouraged. You wished for power to protect your family and that's what you got when you became a soul parasite. The lost emotions will go back… in fact, true love can make miracles. Truly.”


Zodiak stopped in front of the bound Sol'khin and stretched his darkened hand, which had dark blue flames enveloping it. He stabbed Leiu's body, precisely where the heart was and unleashed a staggering amount of Dark Magic which even caused Sol'khin to loudly shout. The Dark Magic directly hit the soul situated in the consciousness, making it continuously flicker and try to escape the flames' grasp.

The old man snorted and widened his reach, causing the flames to spread across a big part of Leiu's consciousness. At some point, the dark blue fire reached another soul inside the consciousness, this was one a mass of strange black light ominously floating in this vast immaterial place, unbothered by anything else. This was owner's soul and something that made Zodiak's flames cower and head into a different direction.

Fortunately, it didn't long for Zodiak to catch Sol'khin and begin to pull him out of Leiu's consciousness. Zodiak regained his normal, old appearance as he focused most of his Dark Mana into the hand that was pulling the enemy, and this made him vulnerable to Leiu's bound body, which started self-retaliating. It wasn't Sol'khin's doing but the body itself trying to survive by getting rid of the nearby danger.

A malevolent darkness emanated from Leiu's eyes and spread across the area, making the ground, air, and space disappear. Even the time was stopped for a second before Forne, who was standing at a safe distance, used his Destruction Magic again. He sucked a deep breath then violently punching the air, resulting in a unidirectional explosion to appear. It traveled faster than the sound and clashed with Leiu's darkness, making the time and space very turbulent as dangerous spatial tears started appearing everywhere.


Outside of the Red Tower, most of the contestant were still present and waiting for the winner to emerge. The army of Holy Knights was still present but a few of the contestants weren't happy with their presence. Maxine, Losha, and even the Sword God frowned upon seeing the large army and the prepared Holy Knights, but for now, they did not act. Seraph, the one leading this army, didn't dare act arrogantly in front of these powerhouses and returned their glares with a friendly smile and slight bow of his head.