Chapter 582 - 528: Team of Perfection (1) (1/2)
”We will pass through the Sky Door the moment it appears.”
Forne calmly said, his gaze jumping from one person to another. There were multiple individuals facing him, all are part of a group and intend to take down Sol'khin. There was X, the Void Behemoth, G'am Tir, Lucy, and Celes. Zodiak was missing but he wasn't part of their 'alliance' though his intentions are similar to theirs.
”What about the city?”-Lucy
Hearing her out-of-the-blue question, the Black Seat frowned and retorted:
”What about it? Our job is to climb the tower and not protect an unknown territory.”
X also butted in, mockingly saying:
”Don't tell me you want to protect the people here?”
”No, I was just asking.”
Without even looking at the blurry-faced man, Lucy snorted and maintained her silence.
”Anyway, the enemy forces will siege this place at dusk, most likely. We'll move together and secure a safe path.”
After going through the rather simplistic and straightforward plan, they all dispersed, each minding their own business.
It has been two days since the contestants were teleported to this city and, from what the Red Tower said, the siege will occur very soon.
Some positioned themselves above the walls, along with the mix-raced soldiers, wanting to gain points and protect the city for some time. Others hid inside the city, unwilling to participate, their only goal was the Sky Door, which nobody knew how to it looked like or where it is.
One thing is for sure; the Sky Door is bound to appear with the alien race. It wasn't obligatory to kill or protect the city, however, it was highly advised to obtain some points for the sake of a better journey to the top floor as the goods from the Luxury Shop are useful and overpowered, even.
Arthur spent two days doing nothing in particular. At night, he'll chat for a bit with Ber Von Xin then go wander around the city, sometimes meeting participants lurking in dark places, doing shady and unnecessary things.
Time crept by and, finally, with the rising bright sun, D-day began. It all began with a loud alarm echoed across the whole city, waking up and soldiers and alerting all the inhabitants.
Excluding the contestants, there were quite a few distinguishable and strong characters standing atop the high walls. The city lord was one of them, he was adorned in a grey and thick armor, a dark gold helmet and a long two-handed white sword on his back.
Despite having their skills and techniques 'disabled', none of the present contestants is powerless… in fact, they should be able to annihilate the enemy forces if they all joined hands. Unfortunately, only a meager amount allied with the army while the rest stood at the back and watched the show.
As the light of the sun started to illuminate the dark sky, the ground started lightly shaking before it transformed into violent tremors. North-east, East, and South-east of the city, the terrain was rocky, making it rather disadvantageous to attack from there, so the aliens all came the West.
The thousands of archers prepared their arrows, some burning and others coated with poison or enhancement-magic, drastically increasing their damage. The wall was crowded with people, so was the ground, on which fifteen to twenty thousand soldiers unsheathed their weapons and raised their shields.