Chapter 542 - 488: Wheel of Reincarnation (2) (1/2)
Not long after the black hole appeared, the entirety of Riarravar was sucked into it, leaving nothing unscathed or alive. Arthur's body and disintegrated and his soul magically vanished. However, neither his black robe nor his storage ring were destroyed and, instead, they were dragged into a small dark whirlpool which appeared only momentarily.
With the disappearance of Arthur's soul, the quad-spirit naturally clung onto its owner but the guardian couldn't do the same. Curtis tried to follow but he was suddenly grasped by an illusory hand. By the next second, the blond youth found himself inside a serene and beautiful forest, the personal space of Timos and the only area that wasn't affected by the black hole. The Black Devil took it with him and left Riarravar, at last.
”Fancy seeing you here.”
A human with long brown hair and average appearance grinned while talking to the confused Curtis.
Seeing that the knight was still feigning ignorance and innocence, Timos clicked his tongue and said:
”Come on, it's pathetic seeing you try to act like this.”
After a few seconds of pointless fearful behavior, Curtis' face became expressionless as he faced Timos, who took a humanoid form for convenience's sake.
”Every time I look at you, I feel disgusted, do you know that?”
Timos grimaced while talking to the blond and handsome youth before him. In response, Curtis fixed his armor and scanned his surroundings before saying
”What are you up to?”
Hearing such a random question, the man pointed at himself and replied: ”Me? Nothing. I was just a bit surprised to see a comrade playing around here.”
”Comrade? Hmpf!” Curtis coldly snorted, unwilling to acknowledge the connection between him and Timos.
”What? Mister 'Holy Godfather'… eh, Sedos, are you so bored to the point of sticking into a parasite?”
”I can do whatever you want, mind your business, devil.”
The brown-haired man appeared hurt as he clutched his chest and staggered a few steps: ”You wound me, Lightbringer. I was but a tad curious, that's it. Though I can see why you'd accompany Arthur, he is indeed an interesting person.”
Before Curtis, or also known(in the past) as Sedos, the Strategist continued:
”However, being a spectator isn't your job, I'm sure you know that.” His eyes narrowed to a dangerous agree, however, he didn't try raise his aura to threaten the blond youth, seeing no purpose in provoking someone stronger than him in strength.
”When the time comes, I will go on my way but for now, I want to see how it proceeds.” Then, without waiting for the other party, Sedos was enveloped by a blinding light and disappeared from the forest.
As he remained alone, Timos shrugged his shoulders and mumbled: ”Whatever, don't blame me if you're caught.”
”What's going on?”
Emir frowned upon seeing his people circled around a bloodied figure. He walked toward the unconscious Lucy but even before he reached her, his sense noticed her lack of pulse and breaking Dantian. It was too late to interfere or do anything that could bring her back. The wound she received from the Shogun was severe but it was the coin which rendered her body unable to self-recover.
A frail black-haired human woman was holding Lucy's body while examining her abdomen. The Archmage also felt the unborn life residing inside the w.o.m.b but with her death, it won't be long before this new life is extinguished too.
He let out a sigh and asked again, this time directing his speech toward the woman:
”What happened?”
After an inordinate amount of time, Lissandra snapped out of it and spoke with a toneless voice:
”I don't know, she died the moment we arrived here.”
Emir maintained a short silence before saying: ”We'll provide her with a proper burial.”
He signaled for the young female parasite from before then unleashed a bright blue light which exploded in the sky like a signal of some sort.
Lissandra and the young parasite were about to lift Lucy's body only for a strange portal open up next to Emir, startling him. Before he could react, a brown-haired man exited the distorted space and scanned the area before gazing at the lifeless Lucy.
”It's such a waste for a miracle to be buried before its birth.”
He ignored the surprised parasites, who were about to attack only for Emir to stop them, and crouched next to Lucy.
”Sir Timos…”
The Archmage wanted to say something but seeing the serious expression of the Black Devil, he just swallowed back his unsaid words.
”I'll safe-keep it until our next meeting, pretty guest.”
After saying that, his hand brutally stabbed the corpse's stomach and pulled a minuscule, unrecognizable lifeform. It was the size of his fist and enveloped by an unbreakable dome covered on the right by chilling ice and the on the left by golden fire.
Seeing the dome, the Black Devil laughed and said:
”No wonder… no wonder she died.”
Lucy could have survived the coin's effect but the unborn baby would have perished so she used most of her powers to create this dome, which ascertained her child's survival.
Uncaring about the blood soaking his sleeve and hand, the man held the shiny dome and looked unsuspecting person.
”The path of Hope… what an unusual way for a fallen God, well good luck with that.”
His words were obviously directed at the surprised Lissandra, who could do nothing but fidget around.
Second later, Timos left along with the dome, leaving a bunch of dumbfounded parasites behind.
”This is craziness.”
Delia sighed and stated, her forehead sweating and her fists unknowingly clenched. Currently, she was at the main hall of the Kang Clan, waiting for the Patriarch to come and meet them. Surprisingly, just like Saly said, when they exposed their identity to the Kang clan, they were welcomed and told to wait here.
Unlike her, Saly remained calm and patiently wait for the man to arrive. As she saw the little girl, Delia still couldn't believe what was told to her a couple of days ago.
Along with Saly, Delia was with Juli, who was injured inside the Dragon's lair but seemed to have recovered almost all of her powers now. Juli didn't blame Delia for betraying the Holy Dominion and didn't insist on going back there and ask for forgiveness as she knew such a thing was impossible. So, Juli, the Holy Knight, decided to accept her situation and tagged along with Delia, protecting Saly while fleeing from their relentless pursuers.
Today, Saly started talking about her hellish training but focused more on the classes given by the Joker. The little girl didn't give up on Astrith so she told Delia that they have to go the Kang Clan, which will most likely aid them. When Delia questioned her, Saly forced them to make death oaths to not tell a soul about what she's going to say.
”Hey, focus!”
The Joker violently smacked the sleepy Saly's head before sternly saying:
”You have to memorize everything I'm saying!”
While rubbing her head with teary eyes, Saly meekly nodded her head.
”Ahem, as I was saying, in the past, I became friends with a special entity and even helped him hide. Now, tell me, who was it?”
Saly thought for a few moments before hesitantly saying: ”I-it's the titan, right?”
”Indeed, the only surviving Titan in this age. However, Titans were peculiar beings and not all of them chose a material form… some preferred spirituality and others were actual worlds, literal worlds. The one I befriended… hahahaha a really crafty motherf.u.c.ker-ops! Don't tell your uncle I cursed or I'll smack you.”
He sneaked a couple of glances to the entrance of the room before continuing: ”Anyway, that Titan was a world and that was part of the reason no one ever found him. Now then, Saly, what do you think his name was?”
Saly, confused, couldn't answer and only stared at the grinning Joker.
After some time, the teacher chucked and said: ”His name was Astria, hahahahaha”
The little girl's round eyes fully opened in disbelief. She knew that her homeworld was called Astria which is why she found that name surprising.
”Yes, it's your homeworld! Isn't it fascinating?!”
He cleared his sore throat and resumed: ”Now then, let's get to the good stuff. When I hid Astria, another party helped me, however, I never told them where I exactly hid it. They were the Kang Clan and ever since that day, they kept searching the Titan. Back in the 3rd Era, Astria helped them avoid total destruction so they remained grateful which is why they're trying to find him or 'it', and protect it from death. Recently, they seemed to have found it and are definitely more inclined to help, so, if something happens in the future and your parents are not there, make sure to head to the Kangs.”
As the Joker insistently repeated this topic, Saly ended up memorizing all of his words. After she briefly talked about ti Delia and Juli, the Goddess and Holy Knight were dumbstruck, especially the former, who thought Astria was only a cast out world.
At the bottom of a lake with unknown depth, a seemingly large white box started shaking, heavily affecting its environment and freezing the whole lake. What was worse a miniature golden sun dominated the night sky, illuminating everything and anything. The mortals living in a nearby village became frightened, kowtowing on the ground and praying.
They thought that was God was punishing them, however, this disturbance lasted for one night before the sun vanished and the lake returned to its monotonous serenity. That night, the villagers definitely saw a bright streak of light flying across the sky, leaving a trail of falling snowflakes in its path.
A few days later, at the execution of the lightning wolf Astrith, the Cloud Sea Sect prepared a grand ceremony as to show an example of the beast. Many citizens were present at the enormous plaza, even the Emperor himself was seated some distance away from the execution ground.
Although the Cloud Sea is a sect, they called themselves an ancient kingdom so the Emperor is considered their leader, that is, if you exclude the secluded ancestors, however, those old fogies rarely come out. Basically, the Cloud Emperor is the public ruler of Cloud Sea and the Divine Planet.
Most of the Marshals were present, including the two who intervened in the war between the specters and the undead. On a well-decorated stage, there laid a chained wolf which had a body covered in lightning, furthermore, it also had three tails, each emitting a different kind of thunder.
The beast growled as it was stared at by thousands of people, all eager to see the 'show', or so it was called. The executioner was a robbed individual who hid his face and held a big scythe which seemed to cut air itself.
The loud cheering and surprised gasps were quietened down by the Emperor, who raised his hand.
”Today, we shall rid the world of another enemy of our prosperous empire.”
He kept it brief as his golden eyes locked onto Astrith. The marshals orderly sat next to The Emperor's right while, on his left, there were two guests and some officials.