Chapter 36 - 36 : Dragon Rider (1/2)
Laksy city was located at the center of the human continent and it was considered the capital.
Basically, Arthur, Lucy, and Mary need to head far east until they reach the sea separating the 2 continents.
Arthur could have used a teleportation array to lower the distance, but he didn't do so as he wanted to enjoy traveling a little bit and not just straight out rush towards their destination, it would be boring to do so, and it's not like the Clan matter is an urgent thing.
The distance they have to cross is quite big, I mean for a merchant or a normal person, they would need months to reach their destination but for Arthur? if he uses his lightning form a few days would be enough.
To be honest, their speed was neither too fast nor too slow, they would camp at night and let Mary sleep for a bit, as for Lucy and Arthur, they would just stand guard and chat.
Though because of the presence of Mary, they didn't do anything obscene and only kissed a few times.
They didn't travel the same path merchants do, instead, they crossed dangerous forests and places to shorten the time, but it's not like they were in a hurry, nevertheless, Arthur preferred passing by those dangerous places, you never know, maybe he finds a treasure of some sort, after all he found Zodiak's tomb.
The trio did encounter some enemies, from beasts to bandits, but they were all mercilessly killed by Arthur and Lucy.
As for Mary, she was too slow compared to them, this crazy couple would dispose of the enemies before she could even take out her axe, they never ceased to amaze her.
She was even more surprised when she saw Arthur use all kinds of magic, and high leveled one at that.
In fact, Arthur would try out his earth and wind magic on any beast they encounter, he wanted to see if they are decent or not, and to be honest, they were deadly and strong, but just not up to his standard.
In the course of this trip, the relationship between Mary and the couple seemed to get a bit better, especially Lucy and Mary, they seemed to become some kind of friends as they would chat and Arthur would be left alone.
Lucy would even happily tell Arthur every night how she became a friend of Mary, and that this female beastman is truly kind and friendly.
Even for someone like Lucy, she managed to open her cold heart and became her friend, so Arthur's view of Mary slightly changed but he still didn't talk to her a lot except when he needed to ask something.
He usually read books, especially at nights when they were resting, Lucy would sometimes sleep with Mary as she liked sleeping, but Arthur would stay up the whole night either reading books or practicing some magic.
Lucy's POV
It has been 1 week since they began traveling and even though they encountered some annoying bandits, that didn't trouble them much.
Lucy was overjoyed, though not for an important reason, just as she was traveling with Arthur and actually made a friend, it was Mary.
Even though the first few days they didn't talk, that didn't mean it would always be like that.
As days passed, Mary began asking Lucy about magic and other stuff.
It's quite ironic though, one year ago Lucy was a student and Mary was a council member, but seeing how Lucy became so good at magic, especially her control over magma and her godlike physical strength, so she abandoned her pride and asked Lucy a few things.
Actually, Mary wasn't very proficient in magic, her specialty was close-range combat and her strength was considered decent, but after seeing Lucy's strength, she couldn't help but feel depressed.
Lucy didn't actually hate this female beastman, it's true at first she disliked her when she thought she plotted to kill Arthur and her, but after Mary sincerely apologized and even accepted her death, Lucy couldn't help but acknowledge the sincerity of this woman and change her point of view about her.
When Mary asked Lucy about her strength and even demanded to have a little spar with her, she felt elated.
Each time she explained some basic magic to Mary or sparred with her, this beastman would bow her head and say
”Thank you very much for your help, Mrs. Lucy”
Lucy would only chuckle and nod her head when she heard this, Mary was truly too respectful towards her and Arthur, she even didn't dare to look at them in the eye.
First, Lucy didn't mind her attitude, but as time passed she told Mary to act more natural and there is no need to act like that towards her or Arthur, but Mary refused to do that and kept at it even with the insistence of Lucy.
Lucy really noticed that her attitude changed, if it was her past self, she would never talk to Mary, heck! she would not talk at all, but here she is becoming more and more talkative and open to others except Arthur.
She felt ecstatic, her relationship with Mary really became better as time passed, this beastman finally managed to speak freely and get rid of her respectful attitude towards Lucy but when talking to Arthur, she just couldn't talk like that and she would be polite to him.
It truly was not as easy as it was with Lucy, after all, they were 2 females and can be considered friends now, but Arthur rarely talked to Mary, and he didn't seem to be open to her as he is with Lucy.
Though Mary was a little sad because of that, she didn't try anything and just kept things as it is.
Lucy was in a tent with Mary as they were heartily chatting, Mary was cleaning her axe as for Lucy, she was hugging a pillow and grinning.
”Hey Mary, why are you cleaning this axe, if you want, I can tell Arthur to give you a better one”
Hearing this, Mary's hand trembled for a second before regaining their posture.
”N-no, it's alright, this one is not that bad, so there is no need to do that”
Lucy really wanted to give a good weapon to Mary, it's been already 3 weeks since they began their travel and their friendship bloomed, even more, they became more intimate and even she, didn't believe that she would open up to someone other than Arthur, she became more approachable and easy to talk to.
To be honest, she felt that Mary is special, apparently, this female beast-man was younger than Lucy, and even though she had a hot temper back in the past, now it seems she changed and became silent and calm.
”Hmpf! it seems you still don't accept me as your friend!”
Lucy snorted and turned her head away from Mary.
In fact, she just was a little bit sad that Mary didn't want to accept her gift, she tried multiple times to give her good equipment but this woman would always decline.
Lucy even unconsciously broke Mary's leg guards but the famed beast-man refused to take any compensations, so Lucy couldn't help but feel a bit guilty.
Hearing what Lucy just said, Mary became a bit panicked and replied
”How can it be like that! I-It's just that I don't deserve to be a friend of Lucy...”
As she said that, Mary dropped her head down and her eyes became watery.
”I told you that was already in the past, Me and Arthur have already forgiven you, so there really is no need to feel guilty, I truly know that you are kind and didn't mean to do that and that's precisely why I want to become your friend”
Lucy retorted with a smile hanging on her face, she didn't feel any disgust, loathe or anything of the sort towards Mary, she somewhat came to understand this baseman's behavior, plus she was a good judge of people after what happened to her in the past and she sensed that Mary was definitely not acting kind to gain their trust or anything like that.
In fact, Mary is a person who is always controlled by their emotions and would act upon them. It's like when she attacked Arthur in the entrance exam, her kin's death affected her and she didn't want to stand there and watch, she just acted on impulse.
”But..but I-I...”
”There are no buts, I'm already considering you my friend, so please consider me yours”
Lucy gently stretched her hand and took Mary's, and shook it as if indicating the start of a friendship.
The best man could only slowly nod her head and softly smile at Lucy, it would be a lie to say she wasn't happy, the guilty emotion really engulfed her, but little by little they began to disappear, and hearing Lucy say that she could only comply and decide to forget about the past little by little, deep in her heart, she decided to fix her mistakes and start anew, as the saying goes 'In looking back, I see nothing to regret and little to correct'
Seeing Mary finally accept her and shake her hand back, Lucy really felt excited, though she already considered her a friend. This was an official beginning of their friendship and it was her first friend since a long long time, so how could she not feel thrilled and overjoyed?
”Since we're friends now then there is no need to be shy or refuse anything, tomorrow, I'll give you a good weapon and good equipment, you cannot refuse!”
Lucy grasped Mary's hand and said excitedly, she already sparred with Mary and saw her style and gears, she indeed had good ones but Lucy already saw what Arthur had and compared to Mary's equipment they were far better so why not give her first friend some good things, after all, she was not like them who had super stats, she was far weaker.
Mary nodded her head towards Lucy, she couldn't refuse this time, and to be honest, she felt a bit excited to get a new equipment.
Since Lucy told her they had good gears, and she saw that Arthur's sword was insanely strong, she couldn't help but feel ecstatic about what she was going to get, she really felt grateful to have Lucy as a friend.
First she thought it would be impossible for them to get close, but as time passed, Lucy seemed to accept her and completely forgive her, so some hope appeared but she didn't dare step out of the line and consider herself deserving of Lucy because of what she did, but after hearing Lucy saying again and again that the past is the past and she should forget about it just as Lucy did, after all, sooner or later, we've all got to let go of our past.
Lucy and Mary continued to chat for an hour or so before going to sleep, though Lucy didn't sleep near Mary this time, instead she exited the tent and leaned on Arthur who was sitting on a rock near a fire camp and silently reading a book.
Soon enough she fell into his embrace, he brought her to his lap and let her comfortably sleep then he continued reading after implementing a kiss on her lips, she couldn't help but giggle and say
”You don't seem to feel jealous because I left you alone and went to talk with Mary.”
Arthur just used his free hand to stroke her hair and calmly replied
”hehe, don't worry, I know you really like that Mary and became friends and you are feeling excited about that, how can I selfishly tell you to be with me all time? plus I know you will never my side”
Lucy didn't reply to him and only pressed her head on his chest and fell asleep.
Early in the morning, Lucy woke up only to see she was still sleeping in his embrace and he didn't seem to have moved, he was still reading a book and didn't seem to be bored.