Chapter 206 - Strange Sympathy (1/2)

Nameless King Arlemit 52160K 2022-07-20

When Erza first appeared in the zone of space, she had a lifeless expression on her face and empty eyes, as if she had lost her soul.

However, when she saw no energy threads on Wain's body, the situation changed.

Her eyes grew brighter, her breathing quickened, and her heart began to beat faster.

It was not love at first sight, it was like the feeling when a person finds something he has been looking for for years, and finally, the treasure was in front of him.

Erza's depressed state had a reason. She, unlike other Inerians, could not find a mate and her love. This was a big problem for all races, especially for the Inerians.

Their society was organized so that there was a dominant woman and a submissive man whom the woman guarded, protected, and controlled.

Also, the reason for this social arrangement had to do with the process of energy transfer. It had to do with the physiology of Inerians because of which women are dominant.

But, women are in charge not because they are prettier and stronger but because men give energy and women receive.

That is why the circle on the women's chest was filled with threads, while the men's circle was empty. Thus the women had no choice but to be in charge, for the men could not progress as fast as they did.

Since the Inerians' alliance between a woman and a man was incredibly important, someone like Erza became an outcast. However, it didn't bother her, she didn't care about the opinion of others. She was strong and could deal with her abusers.

Ezra was hurt that she didn't have a date and realized that she would always be alone some time ago.

In fact, a large number of men offered Erza'e an alliance. She was beautiful and strong, she shouldn't have such a problem as loneliness or lack of partners.

The reason was that she was disgusted by the sight of energy threads on men's bodies.

Erza didn't understand what this was about and why her preference was so strange and wrong. She tried to overcome it, but she could not go against herself and her feelings.

Sympathy could arise in most living creatures, but sometimes a member of one race could fall in love with another. These are quite rare cases but not unique.

Even many vampires and elves, despite their completely different worldviews and lifestyles, fell in love and began to live together.

Such unions were beyond normal for other races, but everyone understood that such a thing existed.

The Inerians had a different attitude to it. For them, it was impossible because men and women of this race were connected not only because of sympathy but also because of energy threads.

Erza considered herself a mistake, and with each passing day, she wanted to live less and less. Unfortunately, she was also not attracted to members of other races because she was Inerian.

”Hey... Are you alive...?” Erza asked in a trembling voice.

Wain barely opened his eyes and looked at the girl in front of him. He felt disgusted, and blood was flowing from the corners of his mouth.

”I'm not sure about that...” Wain muttered.

'Damn, why does she pay attention to me!? I needed a few minutes to regain some of my strength... It looks like luck isn't on my side today.' Wain thought to himself.

After using the third form and Beyond, Wain knew his condition would be bad, but he had a passive healing skill.

Every second, ghostly threads penetrated his flesh and repaired the damaged areas.

It would take Wain about ten minutes before he was partially restored, but his plan went awry because he got Erza's interest for some reason.

”What's your name...?” Asked Erza.

Wain was silent for a while and then coughed several times before answering.

He did it to stall for time. Wain didn't know what Erza would do next. She could be an enemy or a friend, but the first option was more likely.

”My name is... Nameless.”

”Nameless...? That's an alias, isn't it? What's your real name?”

”Huh...I guess that's what reflects my inner self and soul.”


Erza hadn't yet figured out the situation and didn't realize that Wain wasn't Inerian. His body's lack of energy threads shocked her, and all her attention was focused on that detail.

”Nameless... Wait, you have Void?!” Erza exclaimed and immediately looked up Wain's information.

She saw that he had one Void in his charge, and at that moment, her eyes went blank and dark again.

”So you already have a mistress...” Erza said in an icy voice.

She felt disgusted, she had just had hope, but now, in an instant, everything was shattered.

'What is she talking about...? Thought Wain, 'Could it be that she's Inerian?'

Wain looked closely at Erza, and his eyes widened.

He didn't know the distinguishing features of this race, and the different hair color was nothing unique to Wain. Many people dyed their hair that way, and it was normal.

But when he saw the energy threads under her clothes, he understood what set Inerians apart from other races and why Ayla thought he was Inerian.

'I see... Inerians are pretty much like humans, and since I wear a long cloak, no one could see that I don't have energy threads, so the elves drew that conclusion.' Wain thought.

Then he realized he could take advantage of the situation. Wain wasn't sure what to do since this was the first time he met an Inerian and knew too little about them, but he had no other options.

”I don't have a mistress. I'm alone. I like freedom too much to submit to anyone.” Wain said seriously.

”Is that true?!” Joyfully exclaimed Erza. Her breathing quickened again, and her eyes filled with color.

Wain nodded weakly.

”Then we can be together! Become my lover!” Said Erza.

Her heartbeat was harder, and a blush appeared on her cheeks. She liked Wain, as Ayla had said earlier, he was very handsome by the standards of the Inerians.

With the Inerians, only women could choose their partners. Men could only propose, but no more than that.

If a woman liked a free man, he had no choice but to become her lover. Rejection was impossible.

So when Erza realized that she could pair up with Wain, she immediately took action. She put her hand to his chest, and her energy threads shone brightly.

The circle began to rotate, and an energy pulse burst from the threads and went into Wain's chest.

This was the process of creating a union in Inerians, in which the man had to accept the energy emanating from the woman.

Erza should have seen Wain's Soul Altar and synchronized with it, but instead, she saw blank darkness and emptiness.

She felt as if she had fallen into an abyss, and there was only one thing there, a massive dark castle.