268 My magic (2/2)

Daren twitched for a moment, ”White hair and orange eyes...?”

Boris ignored him and just continued to tell his tale, ”He looked at me, snapped his fingers... And with the most hateful smile, I've ever seen... He just said...

'Hey! Aren't you the guy that got smacked by the crossbow girl?'”

”Oh, boy...” Daren murmured.

”I was laughed at... After that day, I was no longer the greatest merc of my time... I simply became... That one guy that the great mage Evlin defeated without breaking a sweat...” Boris commented while raising his sword, ”I swore, after that day... That no matter how long it would take... I would find a way to make her pay!”

The sword came down like a flash of lightning. Daren tried his best to avoid it, but this time, his speed was not enough to surpass Boris' swing powered by his hate, and the blade ended up slashing off his left ear.

”Aaaaaaahhhh!!!!” Daren yelled in pain while blood dripped from his head and into his shoulder.

”Hurts... Doesn't it...?” Boris asked, ”All this pain inside of me... All this anger... I will unleash it all upon you in this very night!!”

The man began to rush at Daren again but was suddenly stopped by a fireball striking him from the back.

”Guaahh!!!” Boris screamed as he was launched against the walls.

”Daren!!” Leona gasped as she saw his wound while running to his side with a piece of wood the size of a chair's leg, ”Daren! I'm so sorry! I came as fast as I could!!”

”Le... Leona...” Daren tried to say while observing a shadow standing up, ”Look out!”

Leona followed his gaze and noticed Boris coming to impale her with his blade aimed at her heart. The mage jumped out of the way and while pointing her wand at him, started to unleash a stream of fire aimed at his face.

Boris reacted by pulling his sword closer to his head and using it as a shield to block the flames.

”A mage woman...?” Boris asked.

”What of it?” Leona asked back.

Boris released a powerful glare at Leona, ”I HATE MAGE WOMEN!!!”

The large man charged one more time and this time, while the woman was astonished by his immense aura of bitterness, successfully smacked Leona with his elbow using all its weight.

”Kyaaahhh!!” she screamed while being launched backward.

”Leonaa!!!” Daren gasped in horror.

Leona tried to aim her wand at him one more time but she was still so exhausted from not only her fight against the dragon but also running across the entire cavern and back again, all while not having eaten anything for such a long time that she barely had any strength left to struggle. Boris just kicked the piece of wood away and stepped on her hand.


”Boris!! Stop!!! She has nothing to do with this!!” Daren begged.

”I don't care!!! I'm not resting until I slay every single mage that appears in front of me!! Once I'm done here, I'll get a blessing from the god of the north and use it to hunt every single magic-user in the world so I can hang their heads on my wall!!”

”Magic-user...” Daren repeated while staring at the wand that Boris had kicked away.

Leona mentioned before that the color of your eyes is tied to what element works best for you. Green for wind, brown for earth. Daren assumed that blue must mean water since Ellie is a water mage, and amber eyes like Leona must mean fire.

Daren's eyes were grey, so what kind of magic would he be related to?

Whatever the case was, he needed to do something or Boris would kill Leona. Daren rushed to grab the wand, aimed it at the two, and began to focus on everything he learned from being around Evlin for so long.

”Hey!! Boris!! You looking for a magic-user to fight with? Why not try me?”

”Huh!? You!?”

”Daren!!” Leona yelled, ”What are you doing??”

Daren started to feel some kind of power surging inside his body. He felt like his hands were about to explode from how much the wand kept shaking. Once he could no longer bear it anymore, he tried to gather as much power as he could and unleashed all of it while pointing his wand at Boris.

”I'm taking a gamble!!” Daren shouted as a massive wave of blackness exited the wand and created a dark hole in the middle of the air.

Boris stared at the black hole and noticed a pair of red eyes staring back at him from deep inside of it. The howl of a wild beast could be heard coming out of it, and before anyone could react, a huge black lion with eyes as red as blood itself jumped out of it and craved its teeth onto Boris's neck.

”Aaaaaahhhhgghhh!!! What is this!!!???” Boris yelled while getting torn to pieces by the beast.

”E- Eclipse!!??” Daren stuttered while trying to understand where in the world his pet lion had come from. But something did not feel right about the beast, its whole body was releasing a black smoke that followed him around whenever he moved, and its eyes were emitting a sensation of ferocity that Daren had never seen before.

Leona stood up and went to Daren's side while the two watched the black lion continuing to chew on its prey.

”Le-Leona... What exactly is the element for someone with gey eyes...?” Daren wondered, ”What is this magic...?”

Leona with a heavy pair of eyes answered his question, ”Shadow magic... Your power is the power of darkness...”

Daren looked in shock as his lion finished killing off Boris with barely any effort and stood victorious over his remains.

”Ah... I see... ...”