247 On the run (1/2)

”Stay back!!” Auren warned as he rushed to stand in front of her, ”do not get any closer!!”

Envy just smiled at him and raised his palms, ”Hey, hey, calm down, calm down... There is no need to make this any harder than it needs to be! Let's just think about the current situation real quick, ok?”

The demon began to look around the place and analyze the state the group was in.

”That one can't see anything... That one has a wounded leg, this one is out of power, that one can't fight, you just got your ass kicked by Wrath, and you are still recovering from giving birth not too long ago...” he commented while slowly pointing at everyone there until he stopped at West, ”And you can't harm any being unless they raise their hand against you, am I correct?”

Nobody said a word. Envy just listed all of their disadvantages as if they were an open book.

”Which means... You are the only one here that poses anything close to a threat right now...” he mumbled as he gazed at Marcus.

”How do you know all this...?” Marcus asked.

Envy released a soft grin as if he was a little kid, ”who knows... The point is... Do you all really think you can face me as you are now?”

Ashley then used Gustav's telepathy to talk with her team [He's right... This is a bad matchup for us... we need to leave!!]

[But... If we leave... He will destroy the temple!! And we will lose our connection with West!!] Lilith noted.

[Evlin is an earth mage!! She can make a new temple in a matter of seconds!! Our survival is more crucial right now!!] Ashley stated.

Evlin listened to Ashley's words and began to shiver a bit. She was wondering if it was ok to use her magic again considering what happened last time with the fight against Wrath but judging from the situation, they didn't have many options.

”Well... what will it be...? Are we doing this the easy way or the hard way?” Envy asked.

Ria then glared at Envy, ”I'm having a reunion with my closest friends... And you're interrupting us... Leave... NOW!”

Envy stared at her, ”I'm not sure you understand the situation you are in! You see... I'm one of the seven de- Blaaarghh!!!”

Before he could finish his speech, Ria raised her arm and blasted Envy out of the room with a flying golden shield of the size of a door that just bashed the demon against the hole he himself made.

The group watched as Envy was launched towards the sky and assumed a flying motion to recover his position.

”Well... That wasn't very nice...” he commented while raising towards the clouds and then dropping at full speed towards the room once again.

”He's going to attack again!!” Gustav warned.

”Auren!!” Ria yelled while extending her open palm.

”Whoa...” Gustav whispered, ”You guys got really good at this...”

”We're stronger when we are together!” Ria commented with a smile, ”So what's the plan?”

The group looked at Ashley and Evlin, the two individuals usually responsible for leading the team.

”Should we fight, or run?” Marcus wondered.

Outside, Envy could be seen flapping his gigantic wings against the barrier in an attempt to shatter it.

”You can't run!! If you run I'll be forced back to the divine realm!!” the goddess cried.

”West, calm down!! Evlin can just rebuild your temple later!!” Ashley guaranteed.

”You promise??” West asked with tears in her eyes while staring at Evlin.

”Of course! She can do it with the snap of her fingers! Right Evlin?” Ashley added.

”I'm not asking you! I'm asking her!!” West shouted, ”Evlin!! Can I count on you or not!?”

”...” the mage just stared at the goddess with confusion stamped on her face. She started to feel her magic power acting inside of her body, very similar to what happened before she lost her mind.

”Evlin...?” Ashley asked, wondering what was troubling her so much.

The barrier that Auren and Ria created finally shattered as Envy started to charge once again at their position.

”It seems I did not make myself very clear... You guys don't have a chance against me!!” he declared.

The demon waved his wings and small tornados started to take place aimed at Ria's room. The wind started to throw all the objects around crashing against the walls and the ceiling.

”Guys!! We need a decision!! We fight or run??” Daren shouted.

”Evlin!! Can I count on you!!??” West yelled.

”...” the mage did not know how to respond. Her heart started to throb much faster.

”Evlin!! What's wrong!!??” Ashley screamed next.

”...” the mage still did not respond. Her skin became warm.

”Evlin...?” Marcus whispered, noticing that her body was trembling and she would not stop sweating.




Something inside the mage began to happen. She found herself back at the white void once again, and just like before, the three shapes of energy started to form itself while looking like her and trying to drag her body to the dark void.

They all moved closer and began to whisper inside her ear.

”Let... Us... Out...”

”Evlin!!!” Ashley screamed one more time.

”SHUUUUUUT UUUUUUUP!!!!!!!” the mage finally yelled.

Her body began to engulf itself with terminal energy and unleashed itself towards the ceiling, completely destroying it.