235 What will it be? (1/2)

The entire room kept switching between looking at her and looking down while processing the information they just received.

Marcus, Dia, and Ellie had a power that if allowed to grow, would be capable of killing a dragon, and Hana wanted to use this power in order to get revenge on the one that killed her friend.

”So...” Joseph started to talk while everyone was still deep in thought, ”Should we... Vote or something...?”

”Vote...?” Ellie repeated.

”Yeah... Who wants to help the weird pale lady and go after a dragon and who wants to go home and pretend none of this happened?” Joseph added.

”I don't feel like helping the weird pale lady after she just threatened me and my niece!” Evlin stated while crossing her arms and glaring at Hana.

”...” Hana remained silent.

”Dia, Ellie, Marcus... You guys agree, right?” Evlin asked, ”We have no reason to help her and put ourselves in danger again!”

”Evlin...” Ashley interrupted, ”Let's think about this first!”

”You want to disagree with me?? Again!?? Really??”

”Yes! Really!! If this dragon is really so dangerous, it's just a matter of time before he becomes a problem we all will have to deal with! Have you considered that he might be the one that stole the demon stones??”

”Oh, cool!! So you wanna send three kids to deal with said dangerous problem!?”

”I know it's risky, but...”

”But what!!?? What if we go after him and he kills us?? What if he is just minding his own business right now and will just stay put if we leave him alone??”

Ellie flinched. Those words made her remember Flora and how all she wanted was to stop people from invading her home. Not made any better by the fact that Ellie was the one that killed her.

”And what if you're wrong? What if he is killing innocent people right now while we have this discussion??” Ashley continued.

”Why in the world are you so bent on standing against me on this!!??” Evlin yelled while standing up and slapping the table.

”Because you're not thinking!! You are too emotionally involved to make a proper judgment of the situation!!”

”Oh! How silly of me for being emotionally invested in regards to the safety of my niece, am I right??”

”This isn't just about you!! Others could be in danger as well!!”

”So I should just disregard her safety so others can have theirs?? Do you think that's fair??”

”No, it's not fair!!” Ashley yelled while standing up as well, ”But if you're the only ones who can do it, then shouldn't you at least try!!??”

”It must be easy for you to say...” Evlin whispered.

”W- What's that supposed to mean??”

”All you gotta do is shout 'go get them boys!!' and wait on a chair while drinking tea while we do all the work... You have no idea what it's like to be on the frontlines, Ash!”

”Excuse me!!??” Ashley began to glare at her sister.

”Even in this last war!! You just stood there behind everyone else, perfectly safe while people were dying left and right!”

”I was observing the situation! I was analyzing our options and forming strategies!! That's my job! I don't have the power to join the fight as you do, you know that!!”

”And YOU don't have any idea of what you're asking me! You want me to put my family in danger again right after I almost lost my mother and my sister to a war that started because of me?? All for some stranger I never met before? A stranger that for all we know could be lying to us this whole time?? A stranger that threatened us??”

”Evlin, please...”

Evlin then smirked, ”Guess it must be nice only thinking with your head all the time, isn't it? I bet you just see us as numbers and facts right now, who cares about how we feel...”

”What are you saying...??”

”I'm saying that I'm done being everyone's tool... Ever since I came to this world every person I ever met always tried to capture me and use me... I was never seen as more than a weapon that they could take advantage of... I just assumed you of all people would be the last one to do the same to me...”

Evlin then looked at everyone present in the room. Daren who used Evlin to help him defeat East, Leona who asked her help to join her followers, Gustav that used her to improve Daren's image, Dia who tried to use her to bring an end to her existence when she was Mia, and Detra who once tried to make a deal with Evlin to get Daren and his group off her back.

”Ellie, Joseph, Claire... We are going home...” Evlin announced. She didn't want to be in that place anymore.

”What? No vote?” Joseph noticed.

”No vote... I'm responsible for you while your parents are absent, and I'm going to take you home where you will be safe...”

The kids didn't know what to do so they just followed Evlin as she stood up and moved towards the exit.

Evlin then turned around and looked at another kid, ”Dia, you wanna come too?”

”M- Me!?” the girl gasped.