231 Conflic (1/2)


[I'm sorry sir... We searched everywhere and got no traces of it no matter how much we looked...]

Gustav sighed in disappointment, [I see... Just come back for now... We can try again later... If you stay in this world for too long, your magic energy will start to vanish and you will be defenseless...]

[Understood sir!]

Gustav finished his telepathic conversation and sent a message to the south god to open a portal for his allies so they could return to this world.

After that, he just returned to the party and gazed at how everyone was doing.

Marcus and Leona were viewing the sky on the balcony, the three girls were chatting on the chairs, Daren was with his family, and all of the mages and warriors seemed to finally be ready to leave.

”Things seem to be rather calm for now...” he whispered.

”Ah! Gustav!” Ashley shouted followed by approaching him with Detra right behind her, ”how did it go?”

Gustav glanced at the former goddess for a moment, trying his best not to glare too much at her, and looked at Ashley again, ”no luck...”

”Tch!” Detra gestured, ”I knew it...”

”They didn't find anything?” Ashley asked.

”Nothing... It's almost like the stones were never there to begin with... Whoever took them did its job very well...” he replied.

”Well... I wish you luck with that...” Detra stated while taking a sip from her coffee mug and trying to move away.

”Wait!! Hold on!!” Ashley shouted while pulling her shirt and almost making the woman drop her drink, ”don't you have any clues on who might be behind this?”

”Oh! So NOW you wanna listen to me!”

”Come on, East...”

”Stop calling me East!! I'm not a goddess anymore...”

”Sorry, sorry...” Ashley said while trying to calm her down, ”you were right... our problems aren't over yet... Can you help us?”

”Even if I wanted to, I have no idea who would want to steal six demon stones... just ask West or something... I'm retired...”


”Just let it go, Ashley...” Gustav stated while holding her shoulder, ”we don't need her help...”

”Your friend is right...” Detra commented while noticing him glaring at her, ”This is no longer my problem to deal with so try to figure it out on your own...”

Detra then moved away from them and exited the room, feeling like she didn't want to stay there for too long afraid that another situation like the one with Mia would show up and force her to take part in it one more time.

Ashley glared at Gustav, ”what the hell was that for??”

”She's not our friend, Ash! You can't trust her!”

”Have you forgotten that she turned me and my friends into stone for two-hundred years!!?”

”I know... But-”

”She's going to betray us the first chance she gets, Ashley... We need to stay as far away from her as possible...”

Ashley tried to say something else but Gustav just continued to ignore her words, showing he still was holding a lot of resentment towards the former goddess.

The three young girls kept watching Gustav and Ashley. They were looking like they were starting to get angry with each other.

”What's going on over there...?” Dia wondered.

”Not sure... I think Ashley is mad that he yelled at Detra or something...” Ellie assumed.

Claire didn't say anything. The sight of those two reminded her of when her parents used to start fights with each other. This thought made her think more about her mother and reminded her of how much she wanted to see her again.

”Hey, Blue... When are we going home...?” she asked with her head down.

”Oh... I think we can all go back tomorrow with West's portal...”

”I see... Good...”

Dia then gazed at the two, ”You guys are leaving...?”

”Ah... Yeah... We are kinda from another world...” Ellie explained.

”We just came here to help in the battle, but the battle is over now, so we need to go home...” Claire added.

Dia understood that the two were probably missing their families right now, ”I see...”

Ellie saw the ponytailed girl was now looking down as well, ”something wrong, Dia?”

”... ... ... Where... Where is my home...?” Dia asked.

Ellie and Claire looked at each other, once again not sure how to answer that.

”I think... You will probably go live with Ria...” Ellie assumed.

”Ria...?” Dia tilted her head, ”Who's Ria...?”

”She's your sister... Another member of my aunt's old team!”

”I have a sister!!!??” Dia shouted while jumping out of her chair with sparkles in her eyes.

”Yeah... She and her husband are the champions of the west. She can open portals in the middle of the air and create barriers of blessed energy and she has long dazzling hair...” Ellie added, boasting about the details of her aunt's stories that she proudly memorized.

”Aahh!! That's so cool!! I really have such a cool sister!!??”

”Yeah!! And when she sees you again she will be so- Agh!” Ellie was about to go on but then remembered that Ria probably didn't want to see her sister again anytime soon considering their history together.