214 Motherly instincts (1/2)
A group of civilians from Evlin's world dressed in red robes, much like Mia used to dress with, and carrying pieces of the channeling tree, no doubt courtesy of her dryad powers.
They all had red glows on their eyes as if to showcase that they all were being possessed by a spirit under the command of Mia. Not just simple spirits thought, souls of deceased spellcasters that the girl gathered over the years.
”Mother... What are you going to do??” Marcus questioned while trying to stand up after getting hit by a blast made of three spells combined and noticing the woman's fist shaking for some reason.
Detra just raised her hands and started to gather water from the air and turn it into giant floating icicles to surround her body.
”What does it look like I'm doing? I'm making sure we don't lose the war!!” Detra replied while aiming her frozen crystals at her adversaries.
”Wait!! You're not going to kill them, are you?? These people are innocent!! They're being controlled!”
The ice mage just rolled her eyes, ”I know!! Now, shut up and let me do my job!!”
Marcus watched as the group of icicles were throw at the possessed mages and collided with each of their staffs and broke them into pieces.
Detra wast aiming at the people, she was aiming at their weapons and making sure they were unable to cause any more damage.
”Whoa...” Marcus whispered, amazed by his mother's ability to not cause any harm to the mages themselves.
”If you have time to be impressed you should hurry to one of the healing magicians and recover your strength! This war is far from over!!” Detra stated.
”U- Understood...” Marcus replied. He knew she was right. He had been using his blessing more than ever today, running all over the place and turning himself into a weapon to help his allies whenever they needed him or to hand over some silver metal. He was getting tired, and he knew he couldn't get tired yet, not until the biggest threat was dealt with.
The silver-haired lad rushed over to the other side of West's portal to get some treatment, leaving Detra to handle the rest of the civilians.
”Good luck, mother...” he whispered while running.
Detra noticed that Marcus had left, and finally started to unleash her true power now that she didn't need to worry about getting him caught in the crossfire while glaring at her targets. She was trying to hide it but seeing Marcus getting injured made her really want to go all out and just start rampaging over the battlefield.
The woman aimed her hands at the opposite side and began to shout.
”Grant me the power to freeze these lands...
Grant me the strength to overcome my foe...
Allow them to witness the power that it's in my hands...
And let them quiver upon tasting the ultimate cold!!”
Mages, warriors, and monsters all watched with their mouths wide open as Detra released an immense blast of ice magic that would freeze anything it touched in a matter of seconds.
The demons and beasts tried to escape but her power was too fast for any of them to outrun it. The possessed mages attempted their best to fight back her power with their own set of spells, but Detra's magic was simply superior to them.
Ellie gasped as she continued to look at everything around Detra being captured by her freezing spell.
”What... Was that???” she wondered.
”What? What? What happened?” Lilith asked.
”Miss Evlin's maid just froze half of the battlefield after reciting some kind of poem!!” Claire answered while being treated by a medic mage.
”A poem...?” Lilith repeated.
”Not a poem... A chant!” Ashley corrected.
”A chant...?” Ellie asked.
”Chants are gateways for mages to access the strongest forms of magic... It's a way to put into words what they desire their spells to achieve. It's really hard to master since you won't always have the time to speak long sentences in the middle of a fight with the risk of getting attack while you talk...” Ashley explained, ”but for an ice mage who can slow or straight up stop the movements of her enemies... Especially in the middle of a war where she will have people supporting her? It's a deadly tool to use!”
”Using words to make your magic stronger...” Ellie whispered.
Claire just raised an eyebrow towards Ashley, ”how do you know so much about magic?”
”I studied it a lot! I happen to find magic something really interesting to learn about!” Ashley admitted while smirking at the girl.
Ellie began to wonder if she could do the same for her own spells. She also asked herself why Detra didn't teach her anything about chanting during her month in the ring o time.
”Is there any special requirement to use chanted magic?” the girl asked.