209 Dawn of a new gambi (1/2)

It was finally the fated day.

Ashley met with Ellie in her room and was surprised to find Lilith in there as well. The scene reminded her of the times Evlin would usually cry on the red-haired girl's arms due to the stress of their travels.

”Good morning...” Ashley said followed by shifting to a more serious tone, ”it's time.”

The three women changed their clothes and headed towards another room to eat breakfast. The food tasted delicious, but they didn't know if it was because it was actually good, or if it was because this might be the last thing some of them might ever get to eat.

They soon got the news that Gustav had arrived and that it was time for Marcus to make his grand speech, which made Ellie tilt her head for a moment.


”Before going into battle... It's important to hear some encouraging words so the fighters will be more motivated to pursue victory, instead of just fighting without caring about living or dying and ending up not giving one-hundred percent in battle” Lilith explained.

”Oh... Did my aunt ever gave such speeches to you guys when you went into battle?”

”Not really, she would often just shout 'I'm going to punch his face!!' or something” Lilith replied while trying to do a poor imitation of Evlin's voice and raising her fist, which made Ellie almost burst into laughter.

She was feeling much better now after letting out all her worries last night. Venting is surprisingly helpful.

”I'm kinda looking forward to this... I probably could use a little motivation myself...” Ellie admitted.

Ellie was wearing a hooded jacket drenched in purple and light-brown pants while armed with silver greaves for her legs. She decided to keep most of her armor focused on her lower half in case she needed to boost her running speed. She didn't want to make the same mistake with Flora again.

People would sometimes stare at her missing hand, which would serve to lower the girl's spirits, as an eternal reminder for her to think extra hard before she acts. Ellie felt annoyed since she actually believed she did pretty well against the forest demon overall, but apparently, it still wasn't enough to get out unscratched.

Once they left the temple they spotted their allies outside and a massive crowd of mages, half of them wearing white robes with red details, East followers, Ellie assumed, while the other half had no united dressing code at all. They were most likely members of Ashley's guild.

Ellie approached Joseph and Claire among the crowd. She still hadn't gotten used to seeing them dressed as members of the temple. Detra and Leona were also there waiting.

They were all making a huge circle on the grass with Marcus in the middle wearing his usual blue shirt but this time also added with a few pieces of silver armor.

”Whoa... The more things change...” Ashley whispered. Ellie heard that and tilted her head but Ashley just gestured her not to mind it too much.

The crowd went silent once one of the followers that were by Marcus' side raised his hand.

Marcus gave the crowd a long look and began to feel the pressure on his shoulders. He then spotted Ellie smiling at him while holding Lilith's hand and she began to silently whisper the words 'you can do it!'

The lad smiled as he was reminded of the time he and Evlin were facing the demon leader and she forced him to shout 'we can do it' to get fired up for battle.

He took a deep breath and finally began his speech.

”Many of you are probably wondering why you are all here right now... Thinking about how you could be safely at home and away from this nonsense... Away from a fight that has nothing to do with you...”

”Is he trying to get them to leave...?” Ellie whispered.

”Ellie, please,” Ashley said.


”One week ago, my friends and I were challenged by a girl... She was someone who was looking for an opponent to please her desire for a good fight... Over the years she challenged many, and she killed many... It eventually became our turn to stand against her... and we sadly failed... And as a result... We lost a couple of friends...”

The troops began to look confused. They didn't know what they were supposed to feel.

”This is the world we live in...” Marcus continued, ”A world where people can attack anyone, hurt anyone, and take away our loved ones... All under the excuse of 'I felt like doing it' and nothing more...

We live in a world where power exists in the hands of children... People that think just because they can do something, that they have the right to do it... A world of bullies...”

Marcus took another deep breath and continued.

”But that's not the world my father believed in...

My father was probably the biggest children of them all... But he was never a bully... He respected people... He loved watching others growing and fulfilling their dreams... He loved seeing humanity's growth and becoming even better versions of themselves with each passing day...”

Lilith began to whisper this time, ”how does Marcus know all that?”

Detra came closer and replied, ”because that's what I told him his father was like... That's how I always saw him...”

”He was a hero... Not because of his blessing, not because of his power as the living weapon, but because he knew what was most important... He knew how to be human... To care about others, and to fight for their sake... This man that could destroy anything he wanted with a mere swing of his hands never dared to raise his weapon against innocents... Because he believed in a better future... He believed in us... That we could be better...

We all... are the living weapon's gambit!

We are the ones that will make his dream of a better world, a more peaceful world, come true. A world where the weak doesn't need to suffer for being weak! A world where the strong doesn't destroy just because they're strong.

We will build a world where people fight not to oppress!! But to create!! We will build a better tomorrow!!” Marcus shouted while raising his fist, the crowd following up by screaming as well.

Marcus then lowered his arm and started to speak with a serious tone again.