194 Moving past i (1/2)
”You're serious...?” the woman replied.
”Very serious! You two are on the same side now! You don't have to like each other, but you need to at least try to move past your mutual grudge so we can become a proper team!”
Detra was just speechless. She gazed at Marcus and Lilith who seemed to be just as surprised as she was. She would often forget that Ellie was just nine-years-old and would spout nonsense like this as if life was a fairy tale where people could solve their problems just by talking with each other.
But at the same time, looking at the young girl right now filled with an expectation on her eyes, it once again reminded her of Marcy during times where she would ask if they could adopt a puppy. Detra would always refuse her request and make Marcy cry, and she really didn't want to think about Marcy crying right now.
”Sigh... Fine... I'll apologize to her...” Detra mumbled.
”Really!!??” Marcus gasped. Lilith herself just remained quiet before turning her face to Ellie.
”Ellie... I know you have good intentions... But that's not how these things work...”
”Come on, Lilith!! At least try! For me!!!” Ellie begged while pressing her palms against each other.
”Ellie...” Lilith was about to try to convince the girl to stop her idea, but Detra interrupted her before she could start.
”It's fine... I actually want to do this myself...”
Lilith was the one who was shocked this time ”you do...?? Why??”
Detra then took a deep breath and looked straight at Lilith who just had her eyes closed and her mouth wide open with both eyebrows raised.
”Because... Even though you never once respected me as a goddess... You still respected me as a mother... And as a person...” Detra whispered, ”even after our entire history together... You still gave me the chance to honor my daughter by helping me face the one who mocked her death... You have my respect... Lilith, the swordswoman...”
Lilith wasn't sure of what to say, and even though she couldn't see, she knew that Detra was probably bowing right now since her voice was coming from below.
”I did what I did because I thought it would be what was the best for the world... But I see now that I just did it because it was what was best for me... I know that I can never give back the time I stole from you and your friends... and even though you might not believe me... I truly mean it when I say...
I'm sorry...”
Marcus and Ellie just looked at Detra who was on her knees on top of this really uncomfortable rocky terrain, her face almost touching the ground while supporting herself with her elbows.
Detra just remained there, waiting for Lilith's answer.
”Marcus... What do you think...?” Lilith asked, ”you were the one she hurt the most...”
Marcus honestly didn't know how to feel. Part of him still hated and blamed his mother for all the things she did to him, and for all the things she made him do to others. He wanted to tell Lilith to just reject her apology and mlet her suffer for her crimes.
Another part, however, felt like he was seeing his mother for the first time in his life. Almost as if the cruel woman known as the goddess of the east was just a mask that she had put on after losing all hope in humanity and that the one in front of him was someone completely different, someone, who might still have hope.
In the end, Marcus felt that it wasn't his decision to make. He realized that he wanted Lilith to forgive her, but only because he wanted to start over with Detra and try to leave his past behind, as just a bad memory that could be lost in time.
But this was what he wanted, not what he felt was the right call.
”I trust you, Lilith... Whatever you decide, I know it will be the right choice” Marcus commented.
Lilith then stood up and came one step closer to Detra.
”You turned me and my friends into statues...” Lilith stated.
”I did...” Detra admitted.
”You kept Marceus as your prisoner for two-hundred years...”
”I did...”
”You used Marcus, a kid, as a tool just to fulfill your goal...”
Detra raised the corner of her eye and gave a small glance at Marcus, who was just looking at her while waiting to see what Lilith's decision would be.
”I did...”
”You ruined so many lives and caused so much pain... All while acting under the excuse of having some kind of noble mission... You are one of the worst human beings I've ever met...”
Detra did not respond. It was clear how Lilith felt about her after all.