190 Feeling los (1/2)
She hurried to check her arms and legs and realized that the injuries made by Drya were gone, or rather, they were never there in the first place. The damage was done to her soul, not her body.
She stood up with a mixed sense of relief and disappointment. Relief that the pain was gone, but disappointed that she was back to her old emotionless self.
The girl lifted her head and stared at the rocks, all six of them. The grass had marks showing that these had been dragged towards where she was standing. Mia assumed that while she was taking her time sightseeing the dark void, Drya used her body to speed things up and get the stones where the demon leaders were imprisoned in.
She came closer to them and began to feel it. Her body was getting warmer and her skin was trembling as if a small jolt of electricity was circulating her insides.
”So I guess she found them while I was out...” Mia whispered.
She then noticed the sunlight hitting her eyes and decided to sit on the shadow of one of the stones.
The wind was breezing, but she didn't feel cold. She hadn't eaten in days, but she wasn't hungry. Her fated battle with Ellie was approaching, but she wasn't worried, neither about losing and end up dying, or winning and ending up killing another person.
All she felt right now was emptiness. She should be excited about finally being so close to fulfilling her dream. After facing Ellie, she would go after Hana and probably manage to perish in battle.
All her years of being unable to feel like her existence mattered, trying to remember what it was like to feel true joy, or trying to find a way to escape her hollow prison but being unable to do so afraid of becoming a demon, it could all finally be over.
But at that moment, none of that mattered.
The only thing that was on her mind was a small sensation that she wished she could ignore, but was unable to do so.
”It's so quiet...” Mia whispered, as she realized she was missing Evlin.
The girl heard a couple of footsteps approaching and took a glance to see who it was.
”So, I guess you managed to find them...” asked a man with a camera hanging from his neck, a large purple backpack on his back, and a hat that said 'welcome to Stonehenge' in it. It was the tourist from before, the one who gave the tip about searching on Avebury village and suddenly vanished in thin air.
”I guess I did...” Mia replied.
The tourist looked at her empty expression, ”You ok...? You look like you had just found out that your favorite show was canceled in the middle of a huge cliffhanger because the original writer ended up having some kind of bad times with the production team...”
”...” Mia stared at him, ”that is so... specific...”
”No, they are... They are exactly the rocks I've been looking for...”
”Then what's the problem...?” the man asked while putting his bag down and getting his camera ready to take some pictures.
Mia was wondering why, once again, he wasn't finding it strange that these boulders were here instead of where they should be.
”I just... I just realized that... Today is going to be another day where I'm going to have to be me...”
The man took this chance to take a few shots of Mia on her red robe sitting under the shadows of the rocks. She didn't mind it, or rather, she didn't really care.
”Dang... That's rather deep for a ten-year-old to say...”
”I'm not ten... I'm...” Mia thought about her answer but then was reminded of what Evlin said, even if she was over two-hundred years, she still stopped growing up when she was a kid, ”I'm twelve...”
”I see... Still... Is this really the kind of problem a twelve-year-old should be worrying about? Wouldn't you rather be playing with your friends instead of being here collecting rocks?”
Mia began to question more and more just who was that guy, ”I'm not really the type to have friends... I got a job a long time ago and have kinda been focusing on it until now...”
”Wow... Must have been one hell of a job if you traded friends for it...” he mentioned while moving along the grass to take shots from different angles.
”I didn't have a choice... I needed it to... treat my condition...”
”What kind of condition...?”
”My body was suffering from a... let's just use the word, disease... and the only way to stop it from spreading was by working for my boss...” Mia explained, ”At least that's what I assumed... But now I wonder if my boss didn't just use my disease to keep me indebted to him...”
”You think your boss was the one who got you sick?”
”No... It comes from my family... But I think he could have prevented it from getting worse... and didn't do it...”
”Not really a cool boss...” the man assumed.
”Doesn't really matter... He is my only option right now... I have no other place to run...”
”Really...?” the man then finished his shooting session and approached Mia to show her his pictures. They had no reaction on her.