175 Turning you back on mother nature (1/2)
The second she initiated her attack on Mia, the brat just rushed to her fallen teammate's side and stole his weapon. The girl was now coming at her with one sword in each hand and launching a barrage of attacks the likes of which Lilith never saw in her life.
The woman had never seen Mia in action before, but she had heard tales from how she tended to fight from her friends, Ria and Auren, who experienced facing off with Mia in the demon kingdom.
From what she heard, Mia was quite the relentless fighter, always striking as if there was no tomorrow with heavy attacks as if she was trying to kill everything in her path in one shot.
Luckily, thanks to Lilith's agility and ability to see the future, she was doing a good job of evading the ponytailed girl's slashes. But even with her power, all she could see were merely milliseconds of a time window to react to Mia's attacks.
The child moved so fast that if Lilith kept looking too much into the future, by the time she got back to the fight her head would have been sliced off already.
Her behavior right now could be resumed into looking at the future, dodge, looking at the future, dodge. She was finding no room to fight back.
”Dang it... This is harder than I imagined...” Lilith admitted while wiping a drop of sweat. She expected Mia to be fast, but this was not a level of speed she was used to dealing with.
Mia leaped to slice her in half but the woman managed to block the swords with her own blade, however, Mia's impact was stronger than she expected and Lilith ended up being pushed back.
At this moment, while she using all her power to parry Mia's attack, her back began to hurt once again. All the damage she accumulated in the last couple of days was coming back from her putting so much pressure on it.
Lilith tried to put more strength in her sword and managed to push Mia away. She was about to go for her pocket and grab a healing crystal to make the pain go away, but her future sight alerted her that this would be a bad idea.
She quickly moved out of the way the moment Mia tried to throw her own sword at Lilith in an attempt to stab her heart while she was distracted. If it wasn't for her future sight, Lilith would be dead right now.
”Tch! Everything you do just annoys the hell out of me...”
Mia stared blankly at Lilith, and much to her shock, the memory of Mia suddenly started to talk as well.
”I could say the same about you...”
Lilith became pale. She didn't expect the memory to start talking, but what was even stranger was that its voice wasn't of Mia, it was some kind of female voice that Lilith never heard before.
”You- You can talk???”
”You all keep coming here... One after another... Again and again... Why can't you all just leave me be...?”
Mia's expression finally changed into that of a glare, ”I'm talking about you people that keep invading me in order to get my core!”
Lilith widened her eyes, ”Invading you...? ... ... The... The forest?? You're the forest???”
Mia raised her blade and rushed to try and slash Lilith again. The woman barely reacted in time but managed to block the girl's attack.
”You people keep trying to invade me... Trying to steal my core... I'm sick and tired of you interrupting my peace!!” Mia continued.
Little did Lilith know that right at this moment, the memory of Evlin, the memory of the wind mage, and the memory of Mia, all were speaking at the same time, making Ellie and Marcus just as shocked as she was.
The forest continued to use her memory warrior to vent her frustration on her invaders.
”Why?? Why must your kind continue to disturb me to no end?? How many must I slay before you decide to leave me alone??”
Mia's memory started her assault again forcing Lilith to desperately try to fend the barrage of attacks while still trying to make sense of the situation.
”Wa- Wait!! This is a misunderstanding!! We are not here to get your core!!”
”Lies!! I heard your leader speaking!! Your group wants to reach my inner circles and gain the power of my centerpiece in order to become stronger!!”
Mia increased the power of her swings and a massive blast of wind was released as she waved her blade, momentarily blinding Lilith and giving the girl a chance to slash her arm.
The woman managed to avoid losing her entire limb thanks to her skills, but she still wasn't able to completely avoid the damage.
”Our leader...?” Lilith asked while holding her arm.
”The one know as Detra!”
Lilith frowned at the mention of Detra being her leader. The idea angered her so much that she for a second considered letting the forest kill the former goddess.
”You got it wrong!! We just want to use the ring of time to improve our skills in order to face a great evil that approaches!”