169 The worst opponent II (1/2)
The group had finally reached the border of the summoning ring. They could tell because right behind them was the usual forest with different types of trees all drenched in all the seven colors of the rainbow.
Lilith wondered if the reason the forest looked like that was because the process of summoning monsters from all over the world also resulted in many trees also being summoned by accident. If she looked around she could recognize some of the trees from both her hometown and from the city of emerald dawn.
If that was the case, she wondered if in a couple of months the place would look completely different from summoning a new batch of monsters and trees.
When she looked in front of her, however, all the trees looked the same and all were colored in a united tone of blue, almost as if the forest was somehow reflecting the sky.
”So I guess this is the memory ring?” Marcus wondered.
”Indeed... We all better get ready...” Detra mentioned.
”Whatever it is that we face, I can handle it!” Ellie declared.
”No! Not this time!” Detra told. She noticed that the young girl was confused by that statement and tried to explain her sentiment, ”Fighting dumb monsters and fighting actual people are two different things. You saw how dangerous the rats became after they started to attack while using their brains. Beasts tend to just fight on pure instinct, but actual people will fight using their heads... You need to be extra careful this time!”
”I... I see...”
Detra looked at the group and tried to come up with a formation.
”Sword-lady, you will move on front. Use your future sight to keep us alert of any possible opponent that will show up that could try to launch a surprise attack on us.”
”Fine by me...” Lilith stated, despite not being happy with being ordered by Detra.
”Marcus, you stay behind us. If We get attacked by any angle you need to use your speed and metal to protect our backs.”
Marcus just nodded in silence. He still didn't want to talk with his mother any more than necessary.
”Young miss, you will be by my side while we stay in the middle. Once we safely get a good idea of who our opponent will be, I will give you instructions on how to properly engage with them.”
”Understood!!” Ellie responded happily, showing that she was glad she would still be able to fight more and gain more experience.
”Very well... It seems like we are all set to go” Detra reported.
The group assumed their positions. Lilith was relieved that she would be able to fight again. She was really not comfortable leaving everything to Ellie. Marcus wasn't having a lot of fun having to stare at his mother right in front of him so much but he tried to maintain his focus on Ellie and tried to keep her safe.
Detra was sweating a little bit. She was honestly worried if they should have faced a few more monsters before stepping into this ring. Ellie was definitely stronger right now, but was she strong enough? Although, they only had six days left and this day was almost over already by the sight of the sun slowly setting.
If they managed to get over the ring of memories today, and dealt with the ring of fear tomorrow, they would reach the ring of time with days to spare.
Lilith suddenly halted her movement and raised her fist to signal the team to do the same.
”Someone is coming!” she whispered.
The group assumed battle positions. Marcus created a pair of blades, Ellie turned on her mirrored future sight and Lilith assumed her samurai stance.
”How many? How well armed are they?” Detra asked.
”Five knights... Two mages... The knights are fully armored and each carries a sword... One is carrying a shield as well, probably the leader... The mages appear to be healers.”
”Very well...” Detra mumbled while indecently starting to devise her plan.
”I can take them...” Lilith added.
”And what good would that do?? We need the young miss to fight remember??”
”But there are seven of them! This could be dangerous!”
”That's the point, genius!! I want her to be able to handle dangerous situations! Now shut up and let me think!”
Lilith became irritated but she kept holding her position. The group started to become tense with the situation, waiting for the memory warriors to appear at any second. Detra then showed that she had finally finished her planning.
”Ok, this is how we will do this... Marcus, you will use your speed and take down the mages so that they won't be able to help their teammates. Young miss, I need you to make a wall of diamonds that will split the group into three the second the mages fall down. The swordswoman will take two of the small ones, and Marcus will take the other two. You will handle the shield leader, got it?”
”Got it!” x3
The three of them were pleased with the plan. Marcus and Lilith were glad that they would be doing most of the work and keeping Ellie safe, and Ellie was glad that she would get to fight the strongest opponent.
The group finally appeared. Just as Lilith told, five warriors and two mages, all coming out of the blue-leafed bushes as if they were on a parade. They were all covered in hoodied cloaks that covered their faces. The warriors all had armor underneath their cloaks while the mages had regular clothes. One of the mages had its staff in full display while the other appeared to be hidden. One of the warriors appeared to be much shorter than the rest, which made that person stand out a bit.
”They are all just memories right...? They are not real people or anything?” Marcus asked.
”Yes! You don't have to worry about breaking your moral code or whatever...” Detra assured.