159 Can you feel it? (2/2)

The girl tried to cover her ears by instinct to make the voice stop singing but she then realized that the sound was coming from her own head and there was nothing she could do to stop it. Mia then thought again and realized that there was something she could do after all.

She then took a sit against one of the rocks and started to focus. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and before she noticed, she was inside a white space with nothing to see no matter which direction you looked at.

Nothing except for a young woman who was laying on the ground with her legs crossed and using her arms as a pillow and singing very loudly with an obviously done on purpose bad tone.

The ponytailed girl marched towards the woman and glared at her.

”Oh hey, Mia! How's the rock-hugging game going? You winning?” Evlin asked while smiling at her.

”... You're trying to annoy me... It's not going to work,” Mia stated.

”Who? Me? I'm just practicing my singing! You know... Now that I have sooooo much free time on my hands and all... I'm just trying out all the things I always wanted to do but never could.”

Mia just looked at her for a couple of seconds and restated her early comment.

”Whatever it is that you're trying to do... It's not going to work...”

”Right, right... I forgot... You can't get annoyed because you don't have emotions... I'm sure that vein bulging on your forehead is just a birthmark.”

Mia placed her hand on her head to confirm if there was really something there, but then she noticed that Evlin was giving a smirk to her, showing that she was just kidding.

”I have emotions... I just don't have any of the useless ones...” Mia corrected her.

”There are no useless emotions Mia... Everything that makes us who we are is there because it is necessary to be there.”

Mia just looked at Evlin again trying to understand what she was talking about. She expected Evlin to be drowning in despair or throwing thousands of hateful curses at Mia for all the horrible things she did, but instead, she looked like a teenager enjoying a sunbath at the beach.

”By the way...” Evlin continued, ”where is North and the green girl? I wanted to throw a tea party with the whole gang, maybe do a little catching up for old time's sake...”

”They are with the rest of the souls I absorbed...” Mia explained, ”they only show up when I need to use their power... And why are you acting so goofy?? Do you even realize the situation you are in right now??”

”Sure I do! I'm keeping you company so you won't be afraid of the boogeyman while I wait for my niece to show up and curb stomp you! Now come here, let me hold your hand so you don't get lost while we cross the street!”

Mia then finally understood what Evlin was trying to do. She was treating her like a baby.

”You're mocking me because I look like a kid... Seriously!!?? You're doing this now?? Do you even know how much I can torture your niece once our fight arrives?”

”You don't look like a kid Mia, you ARE a kid...” Evlin corrected.

”I'm over two-hundred years old... I'm old enough to be your great grandmother, if not more...”

”Physical age has nothing to do with mental age... I saw your memories. You might have lived for a long time but you were never properly raised... You never had someone that really took care of you and helped you grow into a real adult.”

”And what...?? You wanna try and be that person? Wanna be my new mother or something?”

Evlin then placed her finger on her lips while pondering about that idea, ”Mmmm... Sure, why not... I always wanted to have kids anyway, and considering how bad I am on the dating department, I guess I could try going for the adoption route...”

Mia facepalmed herself and glared at Evlin again. She then tried to focus on making Evlin vanish completely and get her to join the rest of the souls she had imprisoned, but for some reason, Evlin would not leave.

”But if I were to become your mother we would have to do something about your attitude, little miss. You will never make friends at school if you keep glaring at everyone like this.”

”Why... Won't... You...Shut uuuuuup!!!!???” Mia started to feel like she was losing her mind with every word that Evlin would spout.

”You want me to stay quiet?” Evlin sarcastically gasped.

”Yes!! I want you to stay quiet!! I'm trying to focus on finding the demons that where imprisoned in this place and your annoying voice keeps distracting me!!!” Mia shouted.

”But... How is that possible...?”


”You can't think my voice is annoying... After all... You can't get annoyed...You can't feel negative emotions... Right?” Evlin asked while grinning at her.

Mia widened her eyes and started to process what Evlin had just said. She then started to look at her own hands and before she noticed, she jumped out of the white void and returned to the grassy field of Stonehenge.

She tried to sense if something had changed, but the minute she left Evlin's side, her body was once again completely devoid of any anger or irritation towards Evlin.

Mia was at a loss of why she was so frustrated with her one second, and then suddenly felt completely empty again.

”What was that...?”