142 Second chances (1/2)
”Young miss... This is a bad idea...” Detra said while following a young girl with a plush toy frog above her head.
”Don't worry Detra... I know what I'm doing!” said the girl while strolling thought the city moving towards the direction her toy stated.
”Wouldnt it be better to wait for your aunt's friends to recover before going after Mia?”
”And give her the chance to send more monsters after us? No way... Besides... Who knows when Daren, Lilith, or Marcus might wake up...”
”I just feel this is a bad idea and you should try giving it some thought... You're basically charging into the lion's den just because some dead mage complimented you a bit...” Detra said while giving a very deep glare at Xadi.
”Please don't call me a dead mage...” Xadi said while glaring back at Detra with his frog eyes, ”And stop doubting her so much, she will be fine! She's the daughter of the crossbow girl after all!”
”Niece” Detra corrected.
”Whatever...” Xadi mumbled, ”My point is... If she is half as determined as her mother-”
”Aunt...” Detra corrected again.
”Whatever...” Xadi continued, ”Then she can definitely take down that annoying girl with ponytails while having one arm tied behind her back! You'll see.”
Detra wanted to grab the plush frog and just shove it into a sewer manhole. She was aware that the mage inside of the toy could absolutely not be trusted under any circumstance, but it didn't look like Ellie was in any rush to listen to the woman who used to be her aunt's sworn enemy.
”Young miss, could you please at least tell me why you are so eager to trust this man?? You know how dangerous he is right? He tried to kill your aunt many times! He was part of my Mia's team to hunt her down!”
”Yeah... A team that you helped to create...” Ellie reminded her.
”Ugh!! That... That's not the point!!” Detra said.
”Wait, what...? Helped to create...?” Xadi whispered now looking at Detra with an intrigued look and dropping his glare, ”Who is this woman exactly??”
”That's the goddess of the East...” Ellie explained.
”... .... ... Excuse me!!!???” Xadi yelled while enlarging his eyes.
”Yeah... She's the one who created the living weapon and became enemies with my aunt's friends after turning them into statues for two-hundred years...” Ellie continued, ”Isn't that right, Detra?”
Detra simply made a grumpy face as if she was not enjoying where this conversation was going, ”Yes... That's me...”
”She is the mother that Marcus wouldn't shut up about??” Xadi said.
”Yeap... That's her...” Ellie added. She then stopped walking for a second and looked at her, ”And my aunt decided to give her another chance...”
Detra also stoped and undid her annoyed face to now look at Ellie with bewilderment.
Detra didn't know what to say. She needed to convince Ellie that Xadi could not be trusted, but who was she to talk about such a subject considering her history with Evlin and her team.
”Your aunt didn't give me a second chance, young miss...” Detra said, ”She took me in because she wanted to keep me away from Marcus. She brought me to this place to imprison me here! And she only did that because I was powerless to stop her!”
Ellie herself began to glare at Detra this time, ”You don't know what you're talking about!!”
”Oh really??”
”Yes, really!! Do you know how many times my parents told my aunt that she should have fired you? How many times they complained about how all you did was complain, and whine, and break stuff when you tried to clean the house? All while keeping that face of someone who wanted to throw herself out of a building??”
Detra looked at the girl in silence. She knew Daren and his group disliked her, but she was unaware of how much Evlin's family disliked her as well.
Ellie approached the woman and pointed at her as if they were in an interrogation, ”They hated you, everyone did! Everyone always told aunt Evie that she should just try to find someone else... But she never did! You know why?”
”... Why...?”
”Because... She doesn't like to give up on people who look like they have no one to rely on!” Ellie said while placing her hands on her hips and leaning forward as a mother lecturing her child.
”... What...?”
”My aunt... Doesn't abandon people... Ever!” Ellie continued, ”She told me she was abandoned once, and that it was the worst experience of her life! She told me that she would never let anyone else go through the same thing as her under her watch!”
Detra kept looking without knowing what to say in response. Even Xadi had gotten quiet as well.
”And I wanna be just like her!! I won't abandon anyone, be it some weird mage stuck inside a frog doll or even my own aunt when she is being hunted by some psychotic dual-colored eyes freak!” Ellie declared while turning around and continuing to walk.
Detra looked as the girl kept walking without any indecision on her mind of who she wanted to be. But she wondered if this girl had what it takes to be who she wanted to be.