133 My body is the weapon (1/2)
Part 1
Marcus saw the blast coming right at him.
A large bolt of electricity approaching at an absurd speed that would completely turn every single one of his friends into ashes.
Using the power of his blessed energy to boost his movement he tried as fast as he could to come out of his metal shield form and jump in front of the blast to protect his teammates. While his body was still partly made of metal, he received the attack at full power, hoping he could redirect it somewhere else, but he quickly found himself completely paralyzed as the lightning touched his body.
What's worse, Lilith's metal sword ended up attracting some of the blast to herself as well, making her, Evlin, and Daren being caught up in the crossfire.
The whole group ended up being blasted by an explosion with Lilith taking most of the damage from being in contact with her sword. Evlin whose body was already extremely injured was completely knocked out. Daren tried to help Marcus but the moment he tried to approach him his hands were electrified by the residual energy, and Marcus himself, while managing to survive to take the blast head-on thanks to his champion power, still felt an absurd amount of pain spreading through his body.
Once the attack was over, the entire team had been completely defeated.
Part 2
”Huff... Huff...” Ellie was desperatly rushing through an alley with Lance on her arms trying to find her aunt and her teammates that had abandoned her with Eclipse.
They were running around the city on top of the black lion when Lilith and Daren began to hear the sound of a battle taking place and rushed towards it using the silver metal to increase their speed.
Ellie tried to follow them on foot since the alley was too small for Eclipse to fit in but she wasn't nearly as fast as the other two.
”Huff... Where... Are... Huff... They??” She was also still a little tired from her aunt's training, on top of trying to be careful while carrying a baby with her ”Aunt Evie?? Lilith?? Daren??”
She continued to run when the sound of footsteps approached her direction, and before she noticed she had been smacked by a woman who was trying desperately to run away from the place Ellie was trying to go and knocked against the ground ”Aoouch!!”
”Ah! I'm sorry!! I didn't- Huh...? Ellie??” Said the woman who collided with Ellie and almost made her drop Lance ”Oh, my God, Ellie, I'm so sorry! I didn't saw you!!”
”It's... Huff... Fine... I'm fine...” Ellie said while standing up again and realizing who she had bumped into ”Ah! Doctor Chloe!! Have you seen my aunt?”
”Your aunt?” Chloe looked at Ellie trying to wonder how to explain what she had just saw.
”My aunt heard you were in danger and rushed to help you! Did you see her!??”
”I... I think so...? But she looked a little-” Chloe was about to finish her line but the two suddenly heard the sound of an explosion at the end of the alley and had their attention captured.
Ellie turned her gaze into the direction of the sound and could spot her aunt still in her golden form being blasted by a thunderbolt.
”AUNT EVIE!!!” Ellie screamed. She gave Lance to Chloe and dashed to see what had happened.
”Ellie!! Wait!!! It's dangerous!!!” Said the doctor while trying to stop her but Ellie didn't care. The sight of her aunt being hurt was enough to flip a switch inside of her.
”Please be ok! Please be ok! Please be ok! Please be ok! Please be ok!” Ellie kept repeating these words as she approached the end of the alley and entered the street where the battle was taking place.
She witnessed her aunt and her friends laying on the ground twitching with sparks of electricity surrounding their bodies.
”Aunt Evie!!” She approached her aunt, who was still looking like a woman wearing a golden Halloween costume of a flying monkey from Wizard of Oz to check her state, but the moment she tried to touch her body a bit of residual energy shocked her hands ”Ouch!!”
Ellie also looked at Daren and Lilith who were on the pavement as well, twitching in pain. Lilith, in particular, seemed really hurt, while Daren had his hands full of burns.
All of sudden, she heard the sound of a large object landing on the streets. The girl turned around to see what it was and finally witnessed the one who caused all this. A creature made of wood in the shape of a bull with huge horns, claws, and several spikes coming out of its back. A small tornado was circling it while small sparks of electricity were covering his body and pillars of ice started to appear from the ground every time he gave a step forward.
”Who...?” Ellie said with a trembling voice. She had no idea what she was looking at. Her body was shaking and her heartbeat was accelerating.
The creature kept walking, coming at Evlin's direction. Ellie suddenly heard a voice coming out of it ”Finally... I can have my revenge...”
”Re- Revenge...?” Said Ellie confused, trying to place herself in front of Evlin so that the creature wouldn't touch her.
”Everything that happened to me... Every moment of misery, every suffering... It was all her fault... I can finally make her suffer just as much as I did!!” said the monster while raising its claws and covering them in ice.
”Make her suffer...?” Evlin heard the beast's words and started to remember about the crossbow girl's tales. How she was transported to a world against her will, forced to live constantly on the run because people never stopped trying to capture her, facing so many dangerous enemies and enduring so much pain, all in order to try and return home. Ellie could feel the sentiment of fear inside of her being replaced by anger ”Make... Her... Suffer!!??”
Ellie then began to glare at the creature and raised a large pillar made of blue diamonds that empaled the beast's heart making it moan in confusion ”What??”
”My aunt already suffered!!! She suffered enough!! She suffered more than anyone!!!” Ellie screamed while raising more pillars ”I'm not letting anyone hurt her ANYMORE!!!” followed by sending all the pillars at the beast's direction in order to pierce it.
But the moment the diamonds approached him, the beast released a blast of electricity that destroyed the diamonds and turned it all into a pile of rubble.
”What!!?? How is this possible??” Ellie was at a loss of words. Her aunt's diamonds were supposed to be indestructible, and yet, the monster managed to block her attack like it was nothing.
The beast then grabbed the diamond that was impaling him with both hands and freed its own body by pulling it's torso away from the tip, followed by locking target into Ellie and sending a large piece of ice in the shape of a spear flying right at her while using wind magic to increase its movement.
”Perish!!!” the creature yelled while launching its attack.
Ellie panicked and closed her eyes while covering her face with both arms. The ice was about to stab her but in the last moment, it was sliced in two pieces. One landing on her left and the other on her right.
Ellie finally opened her eyes again after realizing her face hadn't been pierced and spotted a figure in front of her, a man with silver hair tied up by a ponytail who was raising his right arm that was now a silver blade towards the sky. ”Marcus??” She said after understanding that the man had cut the ice in half and saved her.
Marcus turned his head and Ellie could see that his whole body even more injured than anyone there. The man just looked at Ellie and tried to smile at her.
”Hey... Ellie...” Marcus said before falling into the ground and losing his consciousness again.
”Marcus!!!” Ellie screamed as she approached Marcus. She tried to see if he was ok, but once again, the residual energy was stopping her from touching him. ”Marcus!! MARCUS!!!” She kept screaming, but got no response again. She then looked at her aunt and dashed at her while trying to wake her up screaming ”Aunt Evie!!! Please!!”, but the woman was knocked out as well.
”Ugh...” Ellie finally heard the sound of someone waking up. She turned her head around and saw Daren lifting his upper body. ”What... What happened...?”
”Daren!!” Ellie said while rushing towards him. But she quickly stopped when she noticed the beast charging another attack. It looked like it was preparing a large ball of lightning and it was going to throw it right at them at any second.
”Oh... No...” Daren noticed the incoming attack as well ”Ellie!! Run!!”