130 New threa (1/2)
Part 1
A creature made entirely out of wood was jumping from building to building trying to find its prey as it explored the city.
His orders were strictly to engage with the crossbow girl in order to put her in proper shape so she will return to her former glory and regain the image of a real challenge for his master, a little girl with dual-colored eyes and twin ponytails who wears a red cloak over her body.
The creature would often attract the attention of curious bystanders trying to make sense of its shape and form. A bull made of wood with several spikes on his back, massive horns on top of its head and claws where its hoofs should be.
Most just mistook him for a decoration for the building he would land on. Others would see him moving so fast that could barely figure out what they were looking at.
But the creature didn't care for any of them. He had a clear goal in mind, a target that he needed to find to complete his mission.
During the last couple of years, he had been working under his master's commands as they closely watched the crossbow girl from a distance. They found out where she lived, where she worked, who she would often talk to, among many other things.
However, as of this moment, the creature tried to find the girl by searching on her home, but no traces of her were found. The creature tried to search the many locations that the girl would usually go to, but many of them were dead ends as well. He searched all night and found nothing.
But that changed once the creature reached one location in particular.
The beast was outside of a building that the girl would often visit once every week. He tried to find her while crawling the outer walls and attempting to spot her from the windows or hear her voice. He believed that luck was not on his side once again, but just when he was about to leave, he heard a voice saying one specific name.
”Hello, Evlin! Everything good for our meeting today?” said the voice inside one of the floors that the creature had just passed by.
The wooden beast turned around and peaked from the window. It was a woman with chestnut skin, amber eyes, and curly hair wearing a red jacket with a black shirt under it and black pants as well while holding some small metallic object with her hand next to her ear. The creature began to think about his master upon seeing the color of her skin and her red clothes, but his master had a ruthless and psychotic grin always following her everywhere she went, while the lady in front of him had a nice comforting smile.
Upon seeing that smile the beast realized that this was going to be an easy challenge. The woman seemed to have lost interest in her metallic object and put it away while sitting on her chair and started to write on a small notebook.
The creature decided to observe the woman for a little longer trying to see if his prey was going to show up at some point, but nothing happened. The lady simply received some people into her room, began to talk about their problems and feelings for a while and simply gave them her farewells while sending them off.
He expected that the crossbow girl would be one of her visits at some point, but he was starting to run out of patience.
He finally saw another person leaving the lady's room and once the door closed he made a fist with his wooden hand and smashed the window with full brute force.
”What the???” Said the woman as she began to panic.
The beast crawled into the room and stared right at her in the eyes. The woman was laying on the ground shaking uncontrollably trying to form words.
”Wha... Wha... Who... Wha...” She tried to say, but none of her words ever manage to finish themselves.
”Call... Her...” The wooden beast said as slowly approaching the terrified lady. ”Now...”
”The crossbow... Girl... Call... Her... Now!!”
”Cro- Crossbow girl?? What crossbow girl??” The woman said just barely keeping herself from fainting.
”E... Vlin... Call... Evlin... NOW!!!”
Part 2
”Evlin, is this really the best idea?” Said Lilith while observing her friend filling up a suitcase with clothes and other important travel necessities.
Ellie was in the other room talking to East about the details of their destination while Daren and Marcus were outside waiting for the two women to finish packing.
”Among all our options right now? Probably?” Said Evlin while trying to fight against the case in an attempt to make her things fit in. ”We either get to the demons first or wait here for Mia to attack us again.”
”But what about your family? Shouldn't we be trying to find them?”
”Yes!! Yes, we should... But I can't just stay here waiting for Mia to send another message while announcing 'Here comes a new challenger!'... If we wanna win this, we need to be two steps ahead of her. She still thinks I'm trying to get my full power back, so this is our best opportunity.”
”But what if you leave the city and another monster attacks?”
”The monsters are after me. If I leave the city they will have nothing to chase after.”
”We don't know that! Maybe we should think about this a little more.”
”... Why are you so against this? I'm telling you... I know what I'm doing.”
”But... But...”
Evlin then looked at Lilith more carefully and tried to understand what she was thinking. ”Let me guess... You think I should wait for some wooden monster to show up so I can get more of the tree's root back.”