112 My aunt loves me (1/2)
”Evlin!!! Run!!!”
The woman with a look of absolute loss on her face heard her name being called by one of her friends as she watched a creature made entirely of crystals charging at her flipping cars and trucks like a bulldozer.
She was completely unprepared to deal with this kind of situation when she woke up today and now she needed to wake up again before the creature reached and squashed her.
”Aunt Evie!!”
She heard her niece calling her name as well and finally returned to reality.
”Sphinx!! Let's move!!”
Evlin gave the signal towards her griffin and they started to create some distance between themselves and the approaching monster.
Evlin, Ellie, and Marcus were trying their best to not fall off Sphinx's back as they started to get chased around the streets.
Marcus and Ellie stared at the crystal giant with spider legs right behind them trying to make sense of the situation.
”Aunt Evie, what is that??”
”An absorbing crystal possessed by a spirit!”
”... ... What does that even mean???”
”KINDA BUSY RIGHT NOW ELLIE!! I'll explain later!!!”
Evlin was trying her best to focus on trying to lead the creature away from innocents as she kept giving commands to Sphinx, but no matter where they went the giant wouldn't stop following them.
As always, people on the streets would look around trying to understand what was going on. Evlin was getting used to that feeling by now.
Daren and Lilith were trying to follow right behind them but they weren't fast enough to keep up. Marcus started to scream at Evlin to warn her of the approaching danger.
”Evlin!! He's getting closer!!”
”Marcus did Sphinx ever got over his fear of flying as well??”
”We tried to fly many times but he still doesn't seem to like it.”
”Then we're doing this the hard way! Sphinx, climb the building!!”
The golden beast heard the command and just as their follower tried to launch a car on top of them he leaped towards a building and started to climb it by crushing the walls with its claws.
Usually both Sphinx and Evlin would have a hard time dealing with high places, but the idea of keeping their friends safe was completely clouding their fear right now.
”Everyone hold on tight!!”
All three individuals tried their best not to fall off as they kept being carried by the griffin. The crystal giant stared as its prey began to get farther and farther away and once again tried to throw piles of cars at the group in an attempt to make them fall off.
Marcus saw the approaching flying vehicles and jumped off from his featherly ride. Evlin realized what the boy had done and began to scream desperately.
”Marcus!!! Are you crazy???”
”You two keep going!! I'll hold him off!”
The lad with silver hair then turned both his arms into metal blades and split the cars into pieces while in mid-air.
Both Evlin and the creature were in shock from seeing that performance but Marcus wasn't done yet. He locked eyes with the creature and fused his arms into a giant silver spear while flying towards him like a rocket and proceeded to stab it on its torso.
The creature started to scream in pain showing that the boy's attack was extremely effective. Marcus decided to keep going and changed his leg into a huge scythe. The weapon kid tried to slash the monster again but the crystal giant simply dodged it and grabbed the young man.
”Just kidding!!”
He proceeded to smash Marcus against the ground using all his weight.
”I'm a spirit, you idiot... This isn't my body, so I can't feel pain!!”
Marcus took his chance while the possessed crystal was holding him down to turn his arms into blades and began to destroy the giant hand that was holding him down.
”Pain or no pain, I still can tear you apart!!”
”I don't have time to play with you kid... My business is with that woman up there.”
The monster raised his arm that was now taking the shape of a massive mace and tried to squash Marcus. The boy responded to that by making a metal shield with his hands to parry the incoming attack and moving himself out of the way.
”That woman up there saved me and gave me a new chance in life when nobody else would... She is my hero! If you want to get to her, you'll need to deal with me first!!”
Marcus stabbed the ground and a huge sword came out beneath the crystal monster splitting it in half completely.
”I am the living weapon... There is nothing in this or any world that my blades cannot cut.”
The creature began to fall apart after receiving Marcus's attack making the lad feel a sense of victory. He almost waved at Evlin who was now on top of the building to show that the problem was dealt with, but the minute he looked up he saw the woman yelling something at him.
”Marcus!!! Look out!!!”
The young man could barely react as a massive fist made of crystals smacked him from behind.
He was sent flying across the street and turned his hand into a blade to stab the ground to stop his body from moving at such speed. He raised his face and noticed that the crystal monster was forming itself once again.
”You can cut me as much as you want little boy... I'll just keep reforming myself until you fall down.”
”Then I'll just have to slash you into pieces so small that you can never reform yourself again.”
”You're welcome to try!!”
Marcus and the crystal monster started a battle of attrition, trying to see who would give up first. Marcus continued slashing the creature into pieces while the creature kept reforming itself.
Evlin and Ellie watched the battle with concern.