98 Crossbow family vs King of hatred (1/2)
The demon leader has had enough.
All he wanted was to get his hands on the crossbow magician so he could boost the power of his army and stop needing to fix their wounds every time they engaged in battle.
And yet, everything and everyone seemed to constantly try to conspire against him. The demon-slayers were invading his kingdom, the mage was nowhere to be seen, and now even his own underling had stolen his sword.
Honestly, until a few moments ago, he just wanted to take a nap and forget about everything, but right now, he was so angry at the whole world trying to get in the way of his goals that he decided to just vent his frustration on anyone who was dumb enough to get on his way from that point on.
”I'm going to kill all of you!!”
Daren and Lilith were the first ones to try and take him on.
The black lion monster and the silver-armored maiden leaped at him to try and stab the demon with claws and blades, but the leader simply started to release some kind of cursed energy aura that was surrounding his whole body and immediately repelled the two, making them fly against the buildings and smacking with the outer walls.
”It didn't have to be this way... All I wanted was the girl with recreation magic... But now that it has come to this... I'll take every single one of you to the afterlife!”
Lilith stood up and aimed her sword at her opponent once again.
”Did you ever truly think we would just hand over Evlin to you like this??”
She swung down her sword and the leader grabbed it with his bare hand. The metal started to burn his skin but his regenerative power was so strong that he just endured the pain.
”I thought you would have at least a bit of common sense to not try and go up against me after realizing how out-classed you were... But I guess I gave you too much credit...”
He raised his free hand and punched Lilith's face. The impact was so strong that she ended up releasing her sword in the process.
She fell on the snow and could only watch as the demon leaped into the air and started to fall from the sky aiming at her position.
But as he was falling, Daren jumped to intercept him and the two started to brawl while still descending.
”I won't let you harm her any longer!!”
”Oh really?”
The demon grabbed Daren's body and used him as a cushion to soften his fall. When the two reached the ground, the demon started to blast Daren with a shockwave of dark energy.
”Does this mean I get to harm you in her place then?”
”Stop it!!!”
Lilith rushed to save Daren but without her sword, she had no means to create any relevant damage against the leader. She raised her fists to try and punch him but the demon grabbed Daren and used him as a shield to block her attack.
”Daren!! I'm sorry!! I- Ooff!!”
Before she could finish her sentence, the demon dropped Daren on top of her and electrocuted both with dark energy again.
”Aaaaaarghhh!!!” x 2
The two were blasted away by the dark energy and were sent flying. The demon leader prepared another attack but he suddenly was empaled by more weapons of silver metal.
”Aarrghh!! You again!!”
”You will pay for what you did to Clayton!!”
Orion had grabbed Lilith's sword but the leader simply removed it from his back and redirected his energy blast at the slayer.
He returned his attention towards Daren and Lilith and was about to release another ball of dark energy at the two, when suddenly he saw a tornado of darkness slowly approaching him.
”This is...”
He adjusted his vision and could see a young green girl with leaves coming out of her clothes and vines coming out of her hair making it look like she had dreadlocks inside of the dark tornado carrying his weapon, the devourer of whispers.
”So you not only dare to steal my weapon, you even dare to try and use it against me?? You insolent demon dryad!!”
”I... Am not... A dryad... I am not... A demon!!!”
The girl raised her weapon and started to channel all her power into an attack.
”I am a human... I'm the sister of the man you killed... And the sister of the girl you're trying to capture... And if you want to get to her... You will need to get through me first!!”
She swung down her black sword and all the energy of the dark tornado was launched at the demon leader. He could only watch as a wave of darkness started to approach him at an absurd speed.
The demon raised both his hands and tried to blast the attack with his own wave of dark energy. The two forces collided and a huge explosion was formed from the impact, destroying several of the nearby buildings.
”You little brat... I'm going to pound you into the ground until you can never even consider rebelling against me again...”
After the smoke was cleared and the demon had his vision back, he noticed the girl leaping towards him with the sword pointed at him.
”Is that so?”
She slashed the demon with her blade and a huge scar appeared on his chest. Lilith and Daren saw the scene and realized that they finally had a chance against their enemy.
Lilith rushed towards Orion who was still knocked out and recovered her sword, and alongside Daren, the two joined Ashley in fighting the demon leader.
Suddenly the leader was being assaulted by a barrage of slashes as if he was inside a shredder. Daren kept stabbing and cutting him with his claws while Lilith and Ashley kept trying to slice him from swinging down their blades.
Clayton stood up and watched the battle. He saw as a demon lion, a demon dryad, and a monster harpy continuing to gang up on the demon leader.
”They really are nothing but mindless beasts...”
He took Orion's bow and started to throw arrows on all four of them.
Lilith saw the silver arrows approaching and warned her friends.
”Look out!!”
Daren and Lilith used their superior speed to get out of the way, but the moment Ashley tried to do it as well, the demon leader grabbed her and used her body to block the arrows.
”Ashley!!!” x 2
She could feel the silver metal burning her stomach. It was so painful that she almost dropped her black sword. But instead, she tried to use this chance to boost her power thanks to her suffering.
She glared at the demon leader who was still holding onto her and with one swing, slashed his head off using all of her suffering and all the power of the blade to get past his defenses.
She did her best to avoid looking at a version of her own head being decapitated because of his curse by closing her eyes the moment the blade touched his neck.
The headless body of the demon released Ashley and she fell on the ground, dropping her sword due to the pain.
Clayton tried to launch another arrow at Ashley but Daren rushed towards him and smacked his body against the ground to knock him out.
”Just go to sleep...”
”Ashley!! Ashley!!”
Lilith rushed to help her friend who had just fallen into the ground but there was little she could do in that situation. They needed to remove the arrow from her body or the blessed energy would burn her alive.
”It hurts... It hurts so bad!!!”
”Ashley!! Just hold on!! We will find Evlin and Auren and they will- Ugh!!!”
Ashley saw as the headless body of the demon leader suddenly grabbed Lilith's face and threw her at Daren. She expected to see her own body without a head but something was wrong with his curse. All she saw was a humanoid figure covered in dark energy.