79 Pest control (1/2)
Part 1
The rescue team entered a room inside the castle in the hopes of finding Drya, but as they opened the door, they simply found the place empty.
Lilith looked at Daren who was guiding the team with his nose.
”Another one?”
”Another one... She came here... Spread her smell all over the place and then left...”
”Ugh... It feels like the maze all over again...”
”Yeah... Except this time, I'm guiding us...”
”Maybe we should... Huh...!?”
”Lilith? What's wrong?”
Lilith gazed at a bookshelf at the corner of the room and noticed something strange in it. She moved to get closer to it and noticed that there was some kind of shadow moving behind it.
”Daren... There is something in there...”
Daren followed her eyes and he noticed too. A small shadow of the size of a kid climbing the bookshelf like a monkey.
”A demon...?”
”Maybe... Be on guard.”
The shadow appeared to have heard their voices and finally noticed the two. It turned its head from behind the bookshelf and it was possible to see a glowing red light coming from its eyes.
”He saw us!!”
The figure crashed through the bookshelf and leaped towards Daren and Lilith.
The figure wasn't a shadow that looked like a monkey, it was a monkey. A hairy primate with brown fur and glowing red eyes. The moment he leaped in the air his body started to engulf itself in flames.
Lilith for some reason became enraged and slashed the demon with several swings of her sword. Before it could even react, the demon was torn into pieces.
”Whoa, Lilith! Nice reflexes!”
”Huh... Lilith...?”
Daren was watching Lilith from a safe distance as she appeared to be wanting to fight a bit more. She was breathing heavily and raising her shoulders up and down as if she was about to run a marathon.
”I hate... This type of demon...”
”You... Hate fire monkeys...?”
”Absolutely... These things used to antagonize me and my family when I was a kid...”
”Is... Is that why you hate demons so much?”
”Yes... I hate how they just keep acting like tormenting people is a fun game to play... They have no idea whats it's like to be on the other side...”
”Yeah... I get that...”
Daren could completely sympathize with Lilith. It was the same way he felt towards the goddess of the east. Having so much power and still acting like a spoiled child.
”Come on... We need to keep going!”
”R- Right!”
Lilith seemed like she was ready to face the next demon that appeared in front of her. Daren was praying that she wouldn't mistake him for one by accident. Her silver metal sword was one of the few things that could pierce his skin.
Daren noticed that the pet monsters were looking up at the ceiling of the room.
”What's wrong guys?”
He followed their line of sight and became worried with what he saw.
”Huh... Lilith...?”
She heard her name being called and looked at what the rest of the team was observing.
”You can turn on your future sight now...”
The ceiling of the room was completely destroyed making it possible to see the room above them. Inside this room, a large pack of fire monkeys was staring at their fallen comrade with sorrow and at the rescue team with anger!
Lilith saw the scenery and assumed her fighting stance.
She jumped into the pack of monkeys and started to slash them left and right with several swings of her sword.
Daren wanted to jump in to help her, but her sword was moving like a hurricane and he was scared to be slashed by accident.
On top of that, it didn't seem like she was finding much trouble with the enemies.
”I gotta remember never to get on her angry side...”
”Nothing ma'am!”
The pool of demons was starting to shrink but there were still a lot of them. Lilith was cutting them with ease but Daren became worried that she would end up overusing her future sight again.
”Lilith!! Don't lose yourself!!”
Lilith heard his words and realized she was falling into her old habit again. Completely losing herself in the battlefield and not realizing the dangers around her.
The shock of coming back to reality was so great that she distracted herself and managed to give an opening to the demons to strike her.
Daren was about to jump and aid her, but before he could, the pet beasts joined the fight and tore the pack of monsters to pieces. The minotaur, the dragon, and the pegasus, all started to rampage inside the room.
”What the... Oh!!!”