73 The centerpiece (1/2)
Evlin was in the middle of the white void staring at a muscular man wearing a white robe similar to the one South was using.
She was still under the effect of Xadi's upgraded tracking spell that was keeping her imprisoned and unable to return to her physical body.
Not too long ago she received a visit from the three gods that were competing to see who would be the ruler of the divine deities.
The gods that ruled the east, west, and south, all took turns visiting Evlin and keeping her company in this place as if they had picked numbers and were waiting in line to talk to her. And right now, she just received another guest, another figure who looked just like her previous visitors.
Evlin was at a loss of words. She was allied with West, just befriended with South, and declared war against East. But she had no idea what her relationship with North was supposed to be.
Each god had some kind of goal that more or less would force them to cross paths with her in one way or another. East wanted Evlin off her back, West wanted to hire her as a hitman and South wanted her to clean up his house.
What could the god of the north possibly want from her? They had absolutely no history together.
North continued to stare at her which made Evlin start to feel a little uncomfortable. She had come to the assumption that the older-looking gods were mostly people she wanted to avoid while the younger-looking ones were at least tolerable. North looked like he was about as old as East, something around thirty-five or thirty-six, but since he was a god he probably was more around thirty-thousand.
Evlin deduced that there was no way this conversation would end up in a positive note for her so she tried to ditch the man in a white robe altogether.
”Anyway... I'm just... Gonna go to that white corner over there if you don't mind... Seeya.”
She turned around and started to walk away from him but before she realized, North was already in front of her.
”Gaahh!! Jesus, you're fast for such a big guy!”
North remained silent as he continued to stare at her. She waved her hand to his face trying to see if he would blink but there was no reaction. She then tried to side-step left and right but he continued to follow her with his eyes.
”... Oooooook.....”
She turned around and started to run as fast as she could to get as far away from him as possible. She kept moving her legs with all her strength to try and get away from him, but, just like before, he appeared in front of her in a matter of seconds.
She was so surprised by seeing him come out of nowhere that almost tripped during her sprint.
”Ugh... Seriously...?”
She decided to finally give up avoiding him and chose to listen to what he had to say.
”Ok, fine! You win! Tell me what you want with me!”
”What will it be this time? You want me to kill demons for you? Want to use my magic to build a giant church in your name? You wanna hire me to take your dog for a walk?”
North still did not say a word and simply observed as Evlin crossed her arms while she continued to complain at him.
”Come on!! Just go ahead and say what you wanna use me for... That's what everyone else keeps doing it anyway...”
”What... We doing charades or something? Am I supposed to guess what you will try to ask of me?”
”... How did you get here...?”
”... Eh...?”
North finally spoke his first words towards Evlin. His voice was deep and heavy despite him possessing such a gentle face above his well-built body.
”What do you mean? I'm here because some weirdo trapped me in my sleep.”
”That's not what I mean...”
North rested his chin on his fingers and started to crouch so he would match Evlin's height. He was looking at her very similar to how East was not too long ago, as if she was some kind of puzzle he was trying to figure it out.
”You somehow managed to attract the attention of all the other gods to yourself...”
”... Yeah... You guys need to find better hobbies if I am the most interesting thing to keep you all busy with...”
”But why...? You're just a human from another world... There have been many like you in the past... But only you managed to make it so far... You don't even have a blessing or a curse... What makes you so special?”
”Eh...? Why do I have to be special...?”
”I told you... Every single god has their eyes on you... You changed the whole outcome of the game...”
”... Really...?”
”You don't even realize it yourself. All of the gods, all of the champions, all of the most powerful demons and demon-slayers were all reunited in one place... All because of you...”
”Err, no... I'm pretty sure East started this whole thing...”
”East might have set up the stage, but you are the big star. It's not just the four of us... All of the other minor gods are watching you and making bets on the outcome of this battle.”
”... Wait, what...? I'm in a reality show?? ”
”You are about to start a battle with the residents of the demon kingdom and the servants of the competing gods... Nobody knows what's going to happen...”
”Is that so...? And what about you? Where are your bets at?”
”I'm betting on my own champion of course... I'm placing all my hopes so she can bring glory to my name.”
”Your champion...?”
”The human girl know as Mia. You met her before.”
”What!!?? Mia is your champion???”
”Indeed! So much spirit and energy. How could I not allow her to fight for me?”
”... Oh, Lord... What is it with people with tons of power making the most idiotic decisions...? Mia is a bloody psychopath! She's not going to bring you glory, shes going to bring you a decapitated head on a platter!!”
”As long as it is a demon head she can bring as many as she wants. Her fighting spirit will not lose to anyone.”
”Ugh... I am not mentally prepared to speak with four gods in a row... I need to sit down...”