68 Under new managemen (1/2)

Part 1

”Finally, we can see the sunlight!!!”

Daren and Lilith were exhausted after finally managing to leave the maze. The two of them were relying on Lilith's ability to look into the future to try and predict which was the correct way to go.

”I- I can't believe it!!! I thought we would be in there forever!!”

The problem was, the maze was much larger than they expected. Even during times where Lilith would see a path that looked like the correct one, it still would take a long time for them to reach the exit.

Sometimes they would encounter traps or sleeping monsters and had to be extra careful not to waste too much energy or Lilith would have no stamina left to use her ability.

Other times, she would be confused when using her power and not being able to see any path that would lead anywhere. It was only by mere luck that they realized that some of the walls were fake and had hidden passages.

This ended up making Lilith's job much harder than it needed to be. Not only did she had to check even harder for possible outcomes, but she also had to be careful to protect Daren from any possible danger.

”Thank the heavens... I think this was one of the worst experiences I've ever gone through... And that's saying something considering our history...”

”Agreed... Daren, if you weren't with me the whole time I'm pretty sure I would have gone insane back there...”

”Same here... Please don't ever leave me alone in a place like this...”


The two decided to look for the path towards the demon kingdom and trying to get as far away from the maze as they could. This place proved to be a rather traumatic experience for the two of them.

”We should call Gustav...”

”I'll do that... Lilith you take a break and catch your breath.”


Daren took a few seconds to enjoy the sunlight. He wondered how long he and Lilith were stuck inside the labyrinth. It felt like they have been in there for hours but the sun didn't seem to have moved that much from the last time he saw it. If he had to guess, they were probably wandering inside of it for about three to four hours.

[Gustav! We are finally out of the mountain's tunnel. Are you guys inside the demon kingdom already?]

[Daren!! I'm so glad to hear your voice! We are just outside of the kingdom's gates waiting for you two.]

[What...? Waiting...? Didn't we agree that sticking together was a bad idea?]

[Ashley decided that it would be better to reunite after all.]

[Then what the hell was the point of splitting up in the first place??? We should have just taken the same tunnel from the beginning! Let me talk with Ashley!]

[Ashley is not here...]


[She got tired of waiting and went after you two.]

[What?? Is she coming alone?]

[Yeah but...]


While Daren was distracted talking with Gustav, a huge scorpion-like demon with the head of a dragon and four pincers spotted Daren next to Lilith on the snow.

”Oh, no...”

[Daren...? Daren, what's wrong???]

[One of the demons saw me in my human form!!]

Lilith realized what was happening and tried to stand up to face the demon, but she was way too tired to even lift her sword due to the overuse of her future sight.

”Daren!!! Run!!!”

Daren watched as the scorpion demon started to approach him to eat him. He tried to escape but his body was too weak as well for running inside the maze for so long.

He tried to dodge the demon's attack but the creature grabbed his leg with his pincer.



The scorpion lifted him and was about to devour the poor young man when suddenly Daren found himself falling into the ground.


He smashed his head against the ground but didn't suffer any major injuries due to the snow softening the impact. He stood up to try and run away but quickly realized why the scorpion dropped him. His pincer had been sliced from his body. The beast was screaming with pain.


”What the...?”

He stared at the demon and realized that there was something green on top of his head. A young lady covered in leafs with blades sticking out of her arms.


The strategist of the group was on standing on the demon's head and just finished stabbing it and killing him in the process.

”Hey Daren!”

The young man watched as she approached him covered in blood carrying two massive leaf-blades in the place where her hands should be as the huge scorpion creature started to fall dead on the ground. Ashley just saved Daren and killed the demon as if it was a regular occurrence to her.

”I was listening in the telepathic conversation... Do you have something to say about my decision of splitting us up?”

Daren gazed at her blade arms and at the dead scorpion and started to sweat nervously.

”None at all ma'am!”

”Good boy! Come on! Let's finally enter this bloody kingdom.”

Part 2

The group was finally reunited again and was about to open the gates to enter the south kingdom. Daren was observing the state of his teammates and was feeling rather worried.

”What's wrong with Ria?”

”She passed out while we were inside the spider's cave... She couldn't handle so many of them at once...”