65 The next Evlin (1/2)

Part 1

A few hours before Evlin was knocked out and transported into the white void, a green-looking girl was following her and Gustav without being noticed.

Ashley saw her sister and Gustav continuing the path towards the demon kingdom's entrance gate. She was finding it a little hard to move in the cold snow since her body was now half-human half-plant after fusing with a dryad.

She was surprised to see Evlin rampaging against the demons as she continued her sprint. The last time Ashley saw Evlin acting so reckless was when a group of hunters was trying to capture wild creatures and putting them in cages.

Both Ashley and the dryad inside her mind couldn't stop looking at Evlin's showcase of power.

[Wow... What's gotten into her?? She keeps destroying the demons as if they were ants.]

”... She's worried about me...”

[Oh... I see...]

A few minutes ago, Ashley told Gustav that she was almost inside of the demon kingdom. When Evlin heard this news she started to charge like a bullet to her sister's aid. Little did she know that Ashley was actually right behind her the whole time, just observing her actions from a distance.

[Seriously though, what does that girl puts on her breakfast? She's just destroying them!]

”My sister is really scary when she gets serious... You're lucky you managed to get off with just a punch to the face when you annoyed her...”

[So she has a temper... Good to know... Can't wait to see her face when you tell her you lied about being inside the kingdom.]

”I'm sure we will be fine... She would never hurt us...”

[... ... ... ”We”? ... ”Us”?...]

”I- I mean me!! Me... She would never hurt me...”

[I hope you're not getting too comfy with the idea of having me by your side... You remember right? Once I'm free, I'll never join you again...]

”I know... I know...”

Ashley was starting to feel a little down after remembering she would eventually lose this new power she obtained. Ever since she fused with the dryad she was faster, stronger, smarter, could slice boulders in half, and swing across large gaps using her vines. She really was going to miss being a dryad after returning to her role as a mere strategist.

[Hey, the stick-girl... Looks like she is in trouble...]


While distracted with her worries, the dryad called Ashley's attention towards Evlin who looked like she was having difficulty with some kind of huge horse demon.

”What's going on...? She would never have trouble dealing with this kind of enemy...”

[She's out of magic...]


[She's a mage, right? No matter how powerful she is, if she doesn't have magic she is just like any other frail human.]

The dryad was right. Ashley could see her sister trying her best to release an attack, but nothing was happening. Evlin was out of magic and completely defenseless.

Ashley noticed the horse demon trying to step on Evlin and managing to grab hold of her.

[Welp, she's dead... Guess we won't be splitting apart after all...]

”No... No!! I need to save her!!”

[You...? But you're just a plant-girl... How are you going to beat a high-demon?]

”I... I...”


”My pain...! You get stronger when I have painful feelings right? I just need to boost your power!”

[Ok then... So what will it be...? The first time a guy dumped you? The first trashy job you ever worked at? Or should we go for the cliche and just think about how much you suck at magic again?]

The dryad kept trying to bring out every painful memory from Ashley's past that she could think of. While she continued to talk Ashley started to notice that Evlin was about to get crushed inside the demon's hands.

”Just use all of them!! Take as many as you need! Just give me the power to beat this guy!!”

[Aye, aye, captain! Thanks for the meal!]

Ashley suddenly started to think of every single memory of her life where she felt any sort of hurtful feeling in her heart. The worst memories form when she was a little kid, all the way to after she met with Evlin.

Every pain, every sadness, every moment where she felt miserable about herself and imagine her life wasn't worth living.

All these feelings continued to be absorbed by the dryad's body and filling her with power.

[This feels amazing!!!]

Ashley was about to cry from trying so hard to think about every single time in her life she received some kind of damage in her heart. On the other hand, the dryad was getting so powerful that Ashley was about to burst with energy and was feeling like she would blow up.

”Let's go!!”

She wiped her tears and extended her arms by turning them into vines and latched onto one of the pillars of the gates. She started to pull herself towards it and as she was about to land on it, converted her arm into a leaf-blade and sliced a serpent that was sleeping on it.

She looked down and saw the demon horse continuing to antagonize her sister.

”Come on!!! Show me!!! You survived an attack from demon-slayers right?? You gotta have more fight than that!!”


Ashley took a deep breath and prepared herself for battle.

”I can give you a better fight...”

Part 2

”So weak...”

In just a matter of seconds, Ashley managed to defeat the high-demon as if he was nothing. She was bursting with confidence and pride after managing to defeat such a powerful enemy on her own. Not only that, an enemy that even her sister was having trouble with.

Evlin was on her arms completely unconscious while still wearing her fused griffin form, as Gustav was approaching the two of them on his winged centaur disguise.

”Miss Ashley!! That was amazing!! You defeated a higher demon on your own!!”

”Oh... Thanks, Gustav... Glad you enjoyed...”

[Aaaahhh!! So good!!! This feels so good!!]


Ashley was listening to Drya talking inside her head as if she was enjoying the best buffet on the face of the planet. She was about to talk to her but she didn't want Gustav to think she was talking to herself so she tried to speak with Drya inside her mind.

[Drya...? What's going on?]

[Your anger!!! It's just the best!!]

[Anger...? I'm not angry...]

”Ashley, is Evlin ok?”

Gustav reached his hand to check on Evlin, but the moment he tried to do so, Ashley grabbed his arm with ferocity.

”She's fine!! Just leave her to me...”

”Oh... O- Ok...”

[Ah!! So good!!]

Ashley then understood what Drya was saying. It seemed like Ashley was angry with Gustav after all. But for what reason? Did he do something to upset her?

”I'm sorry that I couldn't be of much help...”