55 Shadows of the pas (1/2)
Part 1
Evlin was in the white void looking in the eyes of one of the many people in this world she never wanted to see again.
”Xadi?? How... How did you...”
”Came back to normal? Well I'm glad you asked! You see, it all began-”
Evlin started to scream while trying to punch Xadi, but her fist slipt right through him as if he was a hologram.
”... I can see you are still as violent as ever...”
”You piece of trash!! Do you have any idea the amount of hell you made me go through??”
”Did I now? Do tell!! I would love to hear about your suffering!!”
”You bloody psychopath, thanks to you I keep getting attacked by a bunch of maniacs who come after me thinking I know where Marcus is... How are you not a frog anymore??”
”I made a new friend! She helped me get over my little trouble...”
”... Friend...?”
”Here let me introduce you!”
Evlin blinked and suddenly a new figure had appeared besides Xadi inside of the white void. A small girl wearing a black dress with black hair and twin ponytails who shared a strong resemblance to Ria.
”Hi again crossbow girl! How is big sis doing?”
”Mia!!?? You helped Xadi?? How did... Wait... That means...”
Evlin sensed another figure approaching and before she noticed, a small boy with silver hair and a blue shirt holding an extremely angry look joined them in the void.
Evlin was terrified. What exactly was going on? Why were these two working with Xadi? How was Xadi back to normal? How was he tracking her?
”What's going on here...? What are you three doing together?”
Xadi smirked.
Xadi snapped his fingers and six figures in trenchcoats also appeared inside of the void, all of them carrying silver weapons and wearing silver armor.
”The demon-slayers...? Ah!! My gauntlet!! That's how you tracked me!!”
”Correct!! You should be honored, we came all the way here just for you!”
The group of people started to surround Evlin in a circle. She was now face to face with Marcus whith Xadi and Mia by his side while the slayers were behind her.
”You all are working together...?”
Marcus glared at her as if he wanted to snap her neck. Xadi was just enjoying the moment and started to tease her.
”My, my, little girl... Just what have you been up to while I was gone...? Look at how many people you managed to piss off in such a short amount of time...”
”I mean, I thought I hated you, you know, due to the whole, blinding my eye, stealing my wand and turning me into a frog stuff... But this boy...? This boy right here? He really, really can't stand you!! It almost makes me jealous!! Just what did you do to him? Stole his toy? killed his dog?”
”I didn't do a thing... I didn't gave any reason for any of you to hate me... You all came after me due to your own choice!!”
Marcus approached her while still holding his glare.
”Is that so...?”
Evlin could not move. Even if that was just a projection of Marcus, all her memories of her battle with him still lingered on her mind.
”So are you not trying to kill my mother using the weapons created by my own father...? Are you not the one who is completely insulting the legacy of my family? Are you not the one who tried to ally yourself with a monster and a cursed human to defy a goddess?”
”I already told you, Marcus, Your mother is not who you think she is!! She turned Marceus into her prisoner and tormented his friends!! Stop fighting for her!!”
”Shut up...”
”She is just using you to win some stupid game and will throw you away once she is done!”
”I said shut up...”
”Could you please stop acting like a spoiled child and just listen to what I'm saying?? She! Dos not! Love! You!!!”
Marcus began to release the power of his silver energy. Even inside the white void, Evlin's projection still felt the impact of his power.
”I told you... Never speak about my father again...”
”... You really will not listen to me huh...?”
”No... But you will listen to me...”
”I want you to know... That you're dead... My duty is to eliminate all evil from this world... And I just decided to put you on the top of the list... I will hunt you down like the wild animal that you are... You and your pack of idiots who took away what belonged to me...”
”I offered you the chance to give up your goal, and you refused... I offered you the chance to surrender and let me kill you quickly, and you still refused... There will be no third chances... The second I lay my eyes on you, I will stab your heart in the most painfull way possible and cut your head off...”
”... Do these sound like the words of someone who's fighting evil...?”
”I told you to stay quiet... You can run, and you can hide... But you will never be free from me... I know you are trying to reach the demon kingdom... I will be going there too... And when I find you, I will never let you escape me again...”
”And he's not going alone by the way!”
Mia decided to join the conversation.
”All of our friends here! They will be joining us!! Everyone can't wait to give a little payback for all the damage you caused!”
Evlin took another look at her surroundings. The demon slayers were carrying new weapons made of silver metal, probably produced by Marcus. And Xadi was empty-handed but he probably was in possession of her old gauntlet right now, a gauntlet with a lot of channeling wood made from combining her old armor with Xadi's staff. These people were more dangerous than ever right now, and they just announced that they would be coming towards the same destination she was going to. Evlin's heart started to beat faster and faster.
Marcus started to walk towards her direction and the rest of them began to approach her as well. Every single one of them was one finger away from her. Even though they were just projections, she couldn't help but feel intimidated while looking like her old appearance from when she was a small girl on a school uniform. She was drenched with a massive feeling of hopelessness. Her chest was tight and she was finding it difficult to breathe.
”Once we come for you and your group... And start to bathe our weapons from a pool made from your blood... I want you to remember one thing, and one thing only...”
Marcus approached his mouth to her ear while she kept breathing heavily from her mouth at an absurd speed.
”You all brought this upon yourselves!”
For a split second, she saw behind Marcus the image of a blond woman wearing a long white dress floating above him and grinning menacingly. The woman began to move towards Evlin with a terrifying expression. She kept coming closer and closer until her eyes were one step away from Evlin's and she proceeded to whisper a few words.