38 Terror drenched in silver (1/2)
Everyone was staring at Evlin. They all had this look of ”What did you do...?” on their faces while slowly being surrounded by an army of archers. Ria approached her and tried to clear the mystery.
”Hey... Evlin...”
”I don't know!”
”Huh!? I didn't even say anything!”
”You were about to ask why these guys are after me... I swear I have no idea!!”
”Are you sure...?”
Auren was the next to talk.
”Can you think of any reason why they are after you?”
”I can think of several reasons why they would be after me, to be honest... I'm pretty sure none of them are my fault...”
”I- Is that so...”
”Whatever... This happens every once in a while anyway... I'm kinda used to it by now... This is honestly just what I needed.”
Ashley released a dead look from her face.
”W- What do you mean, this is what you needed?”
”I was feeling stressed out lately... I'll beat up these guys to vent a little...”
Ashley grabbed her in a neck lock as if she was a wrestler and tried to hold her down after hearing that.
”Are you crazy?? What the hell goes on inside that decoration above your neck that you call a head?? You think you can just go out there and start a fight with all these people and come out unscratched?”
”Would you just let me go?? If I join with Sphinx I can take them all down in two seconds!”
”You don't know that!! We know nothing about who these people are and how they fight! We should share the knives among ourselves from Lilith's armor and just run away as fast as we can.”
”Ugh... Fine... Lilith can you lend me y- Lilith...??”
Before anyone realized Lilith had rushed towards the army and started to engage in a fight with all the archers. With the speed granted by the silver armor, she turned into a blur in the eyes of everyone.
”The hell is she doing!!??”
Ashley screamed, but Daren and his friends understood what was going on.
”She is trying to get it back...”
”Get... What back...?”
”Her warrior spirit...”
The archers realized the woman dressed in silver armor approaching and started to unleash another rain of arrows. Lilith used her future sight to predict which arrows were a threat and which ones she could ignore. After finishing it, she started to swing her blade at an immense speed and began to cut them into pieces one by one with a crazy amount of velocity. her arms moved so fast it looked like there was some kind of invisible shield around her stoping all the arrows in midair.
Realizing that the rain of arrows was not stopping, she started to approach the archers one by one and began to cut their bows in a matter of seconds. Each archer would keep trying to shoot at her from all possible angles but she simply had no blind spots. If an arrow was about to pierce her she would simply use her future sight to predict it and slash it before it would reach her.
Evlin was looking at the lass moving like the wind and cutting like a whirlwind. It wasn't that Lilith was stronger or faster, it was just that she knew exactly what to do and when to do it. Evlin wasn't the only one amazed by Lilith's performance. Daren was looking at her as if she was a complete stranger to him.
”That- That's Lilith??”
Gustav, Auren, and Ria, on the other hand, were slightly less surprised by seeing such a scene. Gustav answered his question.
”It's been such a long time... I forgot how graciously she moved...”
Evlin looked at them and then back at Lilith. She was almost done completely destroying every weapon the army of archers had in hand. Not a single scratch on any part of her body. She would move as if it was impossible to make a mistake.
”So she really was the strongest candidate to be the living weapon's partner...”
While everyone was enjoying the show, Ashley decided to break the mood.
”Will she be ok by herself?”
”She is just cutting their weapons... What happens when she needs to cut... You know... The men?”
”!!!” x 5
Lilith finally managed to clear out the bows and arrows from every single archer. One of the seven men in black trenchcoat descended from the top of the hill and tried to engage her. He removed his coat and revealed a massive muscular body full of scars and a heavy-looking sword resting on his back.
”I like the way you fight...”
Lilith was silent. Probably using her future sight non-stop in case she needed to fight this man.
”I was hired by those men up there to retrieve a girl named Evlin. Are you Evlin?”
”... What do you want with me?”
Lilith lied to the man pretending she was Evlin. She probably was trying to learn how much did these people know and how hard it would be to get rid of them.
”Some of them heard rumors that you are a very powerful mage and want to hire you as a member of their group... Although looking at you right now, you give more of a paladin vibe... Others heard that you might have some information on the whereabouts of the living weapon.”
”... Both accusations are wrong... You can clearly see that I'm not a mage nor do I know where the living weapon is...”
”That so...?”
The huge man looked at the corner of his eye at the rest of the group and met eyes with Evlin. The second he did she tried to hide her crossbow, but it was too late.
”Funny you say that... Because looking at that armor of yours, you sure do look like someone who would be familiar with the living weapon... But come to think of it... My friends also said that this Evlin girl was wearing bracelets and grieves made of wood... Not metal...”
Lilith became nervous.
”And that she uses a crossbow despite being a mage... Just like that lass over there!”
Evlin was found out. But she wasn't particularly worried. If she needed to fight she would fight. Lilith was still trying to deal with the man.
”If that is the case... And if the girl doesn't want to go with you... What will you do?”
”Young lady, were you not listening? I was hired to retrieve the lass.”
The man proceeded to draw out his heavy sword. The blade hit the ground so fast that a small ball of smoke was created.
”The hell should I care whether she wants to come with or not??”
Lilith leaped towards the man with her sword pointed at him. Before her attack could connect, however, an image of herself standing on top of a pile of bodies drenched in blood flashed before her eyes. The huge man realized the loss in her eyes and smashed her with his massive sword.
Lilith started to roll on the ground spitting blood. Daren's face turned pale and he tried to run towards her.
Gustav was trying to understand what had happened.
”We made a mistake!! She is still not over her trauma!!”
Evlin turned her head towards Ashley.