35 Fragile hear (1/2)


Evlin was feeling really upset in the following morning.


After fighting against Daren and realizing the difference between their combat abilities she was starting to doubt her own skills and accomplishments.



Ashley was trying to cheer her up but with no luck.

”Hey... How long do you plan to continue to pout...?”

”Ughhh... I don't wanna chat right now... Go away...”

”Hey, it's not like you lost right? He said it himself that it was a draw!”

”Of course I lost... What did you think was going to happen if we had continued that fight?? Nothing I used on him worked... The guy was a freaking tank!”

”Eh... Ok, maybe you did lose, but why is that such a big deal? You lost fights before right?”

”Because... Sigh... This was one of those fights I really didn't want to lose ok?”

”... Because he mocked your magic skills? I thought you didn't care about this stuff...”

”It didn't feel like he was mocking magic... It felt like he was mocking me... I wanted to prove that I wasn't just another mage full of herself... I wanted to show I was better than that!”

”But you did, didn't you? He acknowledged that you were someone mature enough to know the right time to use your power and when to show restraint.”

”Still isn't enough... I wanted to win!!”

”... You know... You're starting to sound like a spoiled child who just found out you're not the center of the universe...”


”Stop letting a little wound on your pride keep you down and get over it! You will have plenty of chances of proving yourself now that we are following these guys...”

”Guess so... Sorry... It's been a while since things didn't go as I expected...”

”Yeah well, that's just life... Sometimes things work out, sometimes they don't. Just do your best to learn from it.”

”Thanks, coach...”


”Hey, you two doing ok?”

Ria approached the two sisters with her usual bright smile right after finishing petting Sphinx. She saw Evlin laying face down against the ground and decided to make fun of her a little bit.

”Err... I guess Evlin took the fight from last night pretty seriously huh? Will she be ok...?”

”She will be fine... She is just going through an 'I'm not the best at that thing I wish I was the bast at' moment.”

”Love you too sis...”

”Ria you want to try and deal with this corpse for me? Even I need a break from her every once in a while...”

”I would love to, but Gustav was asking to talk with Evlin. He thought it would be a little awkward to come directly so he sent me to ask if it was ok...”

”Eh... Gustav wants to talk with me?”

Evlin honestly didn't want to talk with that man. The fight from last night was his idea and he was the only one who came out on top from that result. Now the group trusted Daren more than ever and realized how much of a greenhorn Evlin was. He probably just wanted to gloat.

”Do I have to talk to him...? Back me up, coach!”

”You should go talk to him...”

”Coach, you're fired!!”

”Just get this over with! We will be traveling with him from now on. If you have a problem with him better to solve it now than to keep dragging it during our journey...”

”Ughhhh... Fiiiine...”

”And for the love of God, try not to punch him.”

”... We need to have a little chat about your view of me later...”

Evlin went on to meet with Gustav who was staring at the river close by writing some notes on a notebook. Evlin had no enthusiasm to start that conversation. What was he going to say? Maybe he will try to convince her to leave the group again? Or maybe he just wanted to brag about how much batter Daren was than her? Maybe if she got lucky he could spit out something offensive and give her an excuse to punch him in the face.

”Man, Ashley was right about me... When did I became so violent??”

Gustav heard Evlin talking to herself out loud and turned around to meet eyes with her.


”Huh... Ria said you wanted to talk...”




”Are you... Using your power or something? You know I can't read minds, right?”

”Ah...! No, sorry... I... Was just thinking about what to say...”

”Eh... ?”

Gustav's eyes looked rather odd. He was acting like he was trying really hard not to look at Evlin's face. Did she have bad hair or something?

”Miss Evlin... I'm sorry!”

”... You're... Sorry?”

”I'm sorry for using you... Because of my selfish request you had to go through that yesterday... And almost got yourself seriously hurt in the process... I thought Daren was going to end the battle with one attack or something... I didn't imagine you would push him so far...”

Was this guy having mental problems or something? That was pushing him far? It felt like he was toying with me the whole fight. Is what Evlin was thinking.

”I am truly, truly sorry... Could you forgive me?”



”Sir Gustav, are you trying to piss me off??”

”Huh!!?? No, no...!”