33 Before joining the club (1/2)
Part 1
”This is so dumb...”
After the heated discussion, the group decided to take a break from their travel and take the rest of the night to rest. Because of the uncomfortable atmosphere, Ashley and Evlin were separated from the rest and were trying to sleep on top of Sphinx's warm body. Ria looked at that scene and became immensely jealous, leading Evlin to promise to let her sleep on it next time.
”Everything was going so well... How did we reach this point??”
Evlin was feeling rather lost at what to do after being revealed that she would have to fight against Daren tomorrow. She was side by side with her sister and talking with her which created a nostalgic feeling form when her real sister would spend the night together to listen to her problems.
”I don't see what the big deal is... You just have to punch him in the face like you always do and we can move on with our lives!”
Ashley said that completely relaxed. She didn't look worried about the current situation in the slightest.
”I don't want to punch him in the face!! We are supposed to be friends with these people!! Why do I have to fight one of them??”
”I guess you just give off a violent vibe...”
”... Ashley... You...”
Evlin extended her hand towards Ashley and touched her cheek...
”...You sure do look rather calm for someone who played a big part in this situation!!!”
... Followed by furiously pinching it and leaving a huge red mark.
”Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please let go!!”
”Ugh!!! What a stupid situation!! If only I had kept my mouth shut!!”
”Evlin, there is no way you two would not end up fighting...”
”You saw the ways those guys looked... They seem like they are about to break at any moment... The Gustav guy is desperately trying to keep the group together by having them follow Daren. But now you showed up and started to propose a different idea, so the group is starting to divide itself again...”
”Wait... I wasn't-”
”Gustav is probably using this fight to make the rest of them re-gain their trust in Daren. Once they get reminded of how powerful he is they will start trusting his word again...”
”Wait... What about Daren then...? Was he really that upset about what I said?”
”I think so... But I also feel it was more than that... His behavior seemed to change the moment he realized you were a mage... He probably wants to use this fight as an excuse to get rid of you...”
”... ”
”Nothing it's just... I kinda joke around that you are a genius and stuff, but you are in fact really smart arent you?? You picked that all up??”
”Thanks for letting me know how much my little sister looks down on me...”
”Ugh... Sorry... ”
”Stuff like that happens all the time in the guild... A good party needs a good leader, but finding the right leader is harder than you think... A good leader can make a group of weakling defeat a dragon but a bad leader can lead a group of experts towards their doom... Right now this party is trying to pick its leader and you just happened to be one of the options...”
”Eh...?? When did I ever say I wanted to be the leader? Heck, you're are the brains of our trio, you should fight him!!”
”You're smart, you're confident, you have a way with words, you possess quick thinking and you're are not afraid to say what's on your mind... That's a leader... I might have more knowledge than you when it comes to certain stuff but you are the kind of person that can bring out the best in a group.”
”... You just don't want to be the leader don't you...?”
”Nobody wants to be the leader Evie... Being a leader means being responsible for the safety of everyone... How many do you think can handle this kind of pressure?”
”Well, I can't handle this pressure!!”
”Sure you can... I think...”
”Gahh!! Even you don't believe in me!!”
”Sure I do! I'm just worried if it might be too early for you to take this kind of path...”
”It definitely is... I'll just let him defeat me tomorrow...”
”Like hell you will... You better go at him with everything you have or these guys will never respect you!”
”But what if I end up hurting him??”
”Wow... You really never learn do you...? Have you seen that guy demolishing that crowd?? You really think he will be an easy opponent?”
”W- Wait... You think i might lose??”
”Of course I think you might lose!! People were throwing arrows at him and he caught it with his teeth!! You better have a good battle plan ready for tomorrow or you will become minced meat!”
Evlin wasn't thinking too much about it but maybe Daren was an opponent more dangerous she was giving him credit for. Now that she thought about it, he looked rather invincible in his lion form. He was strong, fast, normal attacks looked like it had little to no effect on him, he possesses sharp claws and fangs, he was a beast so he probably advanced senses and...
”Oh my God!! I'm gonna become minced meat tomorrow!!!”
”... Took you long enough... That guy is not like any monster I ever saw before...”
”H- Help me, coach!! What should I do!!??”
”Coach...? What!!”
”Come on!! you're the idea girl and I'm the action girl!! I need you to use your big brain to save me!! How do I beat him?? We are a team right?? The big sister needs to take care of the little sister right?? Right??”
”All right!! All right!! Just stop clinging on me!!”
”Thanks, sis!!!”
”But I can't just come up with a plan on the spot like this... I need time to think about it...”
”Ok, just please have something ready for tomorrow!!!”
Evlin was giving Ashley the biggest puppy dog eyes she could create. She would often use this trick on her during her days at the guild to make her spill some top-secret information, but she never figured out if they worked because Ashley was weak to it or if she just wanted her to stop annoying her.
”I- I'll try my best...”
It was late at night but Evlin still managed to get some decent sleep. The reason being, this was the first time she had gone to bed and didn't encounter Xadi inside her dreams. She was finally free of that maniac that kept using his tracking spell to invade her sleep and bother her at night. She wondered if turning the goddess into a frog would work as well as it did on him.
The sun rose and the two girls were woken up by the sound of Ria trying to pet Sphinx. The rest of the group seemed a bit wary of the golden griffin but Ria acted as if it was just a big fluffy cat.
”Good morning sleepy heads!!”
”Morning Ria!”
”Ughhhhh... Five more hours....”
Evlin was feeling rather good right now but Ashley still looked a little tired. It might have something to do with the fact that Evlin would always spray herself with healing magic in the mornings. She wanted to start giving Ashley a daily dose of healing as well but she decided to stop using magic on people without their consent.
”So Evlin!! Ready for the big moment tonight?”
”Eh... You look rather excited...”
”Well yeah!! I have wanted to see you in action ever since I saw what you did with the entrance of the city!!”
Seems like Evlin had found herself a fan. She was a little happy with the idea but Ria looked to be a bit too energetic for her to handle.
”Well... I'm glad one of us will be enjoying it tonight...”