9 Marcus (1/2)

A man trying to sleep on his chair inside a house close by the lake suddenly heard the voice of someone calling for him from outside his door.

”Mmm...? Wha...?”

Once again he heard the voice calling for him outside disrupting his attempts to sleep. This time the voice was also knocking on his door creating even more noise and making it even harder for him to close his eyes. The man finally gave up and moved towards the source of his inconvenience.


”Could you open up? I want to talk to you!”

”Do i need to open the door...? Can't you just come inside on your own...?”

”You seem to be angry at me so i rather not push you too much!”


”I'm waiting...!”

The man opened the door and came to face with a beautiful woman on a amazing dress floating slightly above the ground.

”Now there is my champion!”

What awaited her was a man with black hair, wearing old dirty clothes on his body and a absolute look of despise on his face.

”What do you want...?”

”Is that anyway to talk to your benefactor? Seriously Marceus what happened to you? You used to be such a cute kid before always going on about how you were going to erase all evil for me and all!”

”... What do you want...?”

”I'm here to take a look at how my favorite sword is doing. It's been ten years since you holed yourself up in this cabin and stopped doing the job i gave you. Where is the partner i gave you?”

”My partner... ?”

”Yeah, what was her name again? Sala, Zala, Sasa... ”

”... Sarah...?”

”Yeah that one! Is she here?”

”Sarah died twenty years ago. She was bitten by a poisonous monster and lost her life three days later.”

”Ah! Did that happened? I could swear that i had given her immortality too.”

”... That was Ashley... She died fifty years ago... ”

”She died too? How did she die with the immortality i gave her?”

”She got sick of your immortality and found a curse to break it. After that she just lived her life and ended up dying naturally of old age...”

”Oh my... It's a good thing that you silver energy makes you immune to curses then! You are not dying on me anytime soon! He he!”


”What about the rest? That strong buff man with a weird sense of humor? That Weird guy that was obsessed with opening a restaurant? That one girl who didn't want to use you because she wanted to learn magic and become a witch?”

”... Died saving a kid that was drowning, died being attacked by bandits and died trying to learn some kind of spell called ”explosion” and accidentally killed herself... ”

”My... I guess bringing people from your world did not help me at all...”


”So i guess it's time to go back to the original plan then... Let's try to find a partner for you in this world after all!”

”... Can you do me a favor?”

”Sure what is it?”

”... Can you let me die?”

”What? Why would you want to die? You still haven't completed your job of erasing the evil from the world!”

”... It's impossible...”


”The evil in people is born from their desire to obtain something... Every time i try to peacefully help fulfill that desire I'm actuality just taking something from someone and giving it to someone else... The person that received the thing will be happy but the person that did not receive the thing will be sad and will eventually turn evil...”


”People that did not receive love, money, food, a place to live... they will look at those that did got it and think to themselves ”It should have been mine!” and those who did receive it will just enjoy the comfort of the thing they gained and completely ignore those who wanted it...”


”Erasing evil would mean to erase pain... And you can't just erase pain for everyone... For someone to be happy another one needs to be sad... Some will be able to handle it and some won't... And those...”


”To erase evil would mean to just erase good too... But by that point you might as well just erase everyone so nobody can feel pain...”

”So... Should i just erase everyone?”

”... Who knows... All i know is that no matter how many people i save, no matter how many foes i defeat, no matter how many disasters i stop... A year, a month, a week later, something else will appear to cause chaos again...”

”Are you saying that my dream is pointless?”

”... Yes... You've asked me to help you create a world without evil... Create the absolute truest form of world peace... I tried every method i could think of for the last two-hundred years... And i can safely say... It cannot be done... Your dream is in fact pointless...”

”I see...”


”It seems like someone has lost all it's motivation!”


”Well what should i do Marceus... You are my champion... i can't just have you quitting on me with a job left unfinished!”