3 Want to use me? (1/2)
Part 1
Three figures were walking in the woods bathed by the moon light. An mid-age man with a very strong build wearing a silver armor, a very thin young-man with a tired expression and a confused little boy walking among then. Marceus and Daren were in the middle of delivering the boy back to the village when The thin lad broke the silence.
”I feel different...”
”... Different how?”
”When we were fighting the spirit... I felt like some kind of energy was covering me... And now Its gone...”
”Oh, that was me. Don't worry about it.”
”What do you mean you?”
”While you were wearing me, i was wearing you. Your strength was my strength and my power was your power. The way you were fighting back then... You could never accomplish that by yourself.”
”I see... So you can basically make anyone invincible.”
”Well... I wouldn't say invincible... I can only boost what was already there. Even with my help i don't think i can make an ant defeat a rhino... It's like if any limitation that could possibly hold you back gets removed.”
”... And such an amazing power had to fall on someone like you?”
”Oh trust me, there are much worse options than me out there ha ha.”
The little boy stayed quietly while following these two strangers, not knowing what he was supposed to say or do.
”Is that so... I guess that's true... When we first met you looked just like another coward trying to make a name by killing a wanted monster.”
”As if a coward would have the never to go up against a wanted monster...”
”But i guess you're not such a bad guy after all...”
”Is that the best you can say to the one who helped solve your long-life grudge? I'm not bad at all? Is that how you treat your friends?”
”We are friends...?”
”How rude!! You make me chase you for four months without even saying a word, dump all your problems on me, spent the night with me in the middle of the woods, went inside of me, used me to satisfy yourself, buried me in mud, and now that you are done you just wanna act like a stranger? What kind of man are you? No wonder your wife left you...”
”What are you saying?? Seriously what's wrong with you? I'm trying to see you in a new light and you just keep spouting nonsense after nonsense! Do you enjoy mocking me that much? And my wife didn't leave me she was killed!!”
”Here i was thinking you were different from the others but you were just after my body after all... You don't care one bit about my feelings...”
”Stop talking! Please just stop talking!! The boy is going to get weird ideas!”
”Listen boy whose name i forgot to ask for, when you grow up don't be like this skinny player. When you find someone you care about make sure you treat her with respect and care!”
”... Ok sir...”
Daren was about to go on another rant when he realized this was the first time he heard the boy talk.
”Kid, you're not scared...?”
”I... I was... But you two talk just like my parents so i thought you weren't as weird as i thought.”
Daren started to think about it and he realized that as annoying as Marceus was he does make it easy to talk to. Rather, he seems to have a natural talent to start a conversation and keep it going. Daren had spent so much time as a beast hunting the spirit that he doesn't even remember the last time he talked so much with someone.
”So Daren, i have a proposal to you.”
”Sir are you gonna ask him to marry you?”
Daren's body became stiff for a second. He really wanted to deliver this kid back to the village already before he got any more ideas.
”Huh... No kid, proposal don't always have to be about marriage. They can also be offers to strike a deal with someone. I'm sure that that's what he has in mind.”
”Oh... i see.”
”So Daren, i want you to be my life-long partner from now on!”
Daren started to gasp as if someone had punched him in the stomach. The boy looked at him with a proud smile as if saying ”Ha! Called it!” while patting the young thin man in the back.
”... I think we should stop talking for now...”
”Say sir knight... You sure you want someone like this guy to be your husband?”
”Yeah i wonder about that myself... He doesn't look very faithful does he? He probably would cheat on me on the first chance he got.”
”I'm going to bury you... I'm going to dig the deepest hole i can and i will bury you there so no one can find you... ”
”Oh my, Daren! You really hate the idea of me being with someone else that much? Ok you convinced me! I'll take you after all!”
Part 2
The sun had finally appeared and the village along with the knights were enjoying a commemorative meal in celebration of the beast problem finally being solved. Many were still afraid of Daren despite Marceus expressing he would not harm anyone but the damage was already done.
”Come to think of it... Why didn't you bring these guys with us last night?”
”What's that Daren? Am i not good enough for you? Ha ha. Jokes aside, i don't think a bunch of guys with swords swinging blindly after a invisible enemy would be a good idea. Besides... That was your prey wasn't it? Would you have felt good if someone else had took it?”
”I suppose so... For a knight you really put others felling before you huh? Anyone else would have just killed me on the first chance...”
”Oh I'm not a knight. I'm a mercenary.”
”Oh... But that armor...”