Chapter 15 - 14 (1/1)
”No.” Giggles says as he throws the last shuriken in his hand.
I was prepared for his answer even before I made the statement of him being my friend, that's why I jumped out of the way just in time.
Turning around, I see the shuriken heading over to where the Main Four (plus Tonpa) is and land swiftly past Leorio's head.
”WAAAAHHHH! I almost died! What are you trying to do, huh?!” Leorio shouts in frustration.
Kurapika sighs.
”You should have been more focused otherwise you wouldn't be complaining now.” Kurapika tells Leorio simply.
I look back at Giggles who is distracted by the ruckus Leorio is making. Looking down at the floor, I think if this is the part I turn the tables and overpower him but I have no idea how I am going to do that. I don't have a weapon or nen so...
”Hey, Giggles. Look over to your left.”
I glance to the person who said it and see that it's Killua.
Suddenly, Killua throws a huntsman's knife at me and I feel very nervous all of a sudden. I put my hands up in front of my face and catch the knife at the tip. Phew, that was close. If I didn't have kind of good catching skills then my hands would be sliced up right now.
Instictively, I lash the knife sideways at Giggles. Since Giggles was distracted by Leorio's act, he didn't see the knife come towards him and hit him in the c.h.e.s.t. Once, he noticed he looked down, rather dramatically, at his c.h.e.s.t and smiled (finally. at least his name wasn't for nothing), then he fell backwards, backwards to his second death down the pit...
There's silence for a few seconds. Well, at least no one in the real world will know I killed someone...right? It's ok to do it in the Hunter x Hunter universe but not in my world.
I see the grey steps appear again and I go back to the main four, trying really hard not to look at Killua. I mean, he helped me, for some unknown reason, and I don't know why. I will have to ask him when we go into the waiting room.
The examiner tells us that we will be staying in the waiting room for around 50 hours which is around 2 days. Yipee!
I follow the other guys to the room and sit down on the black couch. The others get to work on relaxing and exploring the room.
I look around. The TV, the bookshelves and room look exactly like I remember it from the anime. Guess I really am taking this journey in this world. It feels exilarating and nerve-wracking at the same time but if I do go back to Earth, at least I will be able to tell everyone what kind of adventure I had.