Chapter 10 (1/2)

~Theme song~

~Can you hear my heartbeat? ~

~Tired of feeling never enough~

~I close my eyes and tell myself~

~That my dreams will come true~

Yuri! On ICE opening

A/N: so this chapter is a filler which means it's not in the anime or the manga of Hunter x Hunter. So you can skip this chapter if you want.

It's morning time and it's bang on 7am in the morning. I only slept for about 5 hours but I feel refreshed, even though.

I look to where Gon is laying down and he's still fast asleep.

I yawn and stretch my arms.

I walk out of the room and walk into the canteen. To my surprise, a lot of people are awake/ in the canteen.

I look around.

Suddenly, I see a familiar figure. I walk over to them and sit at the table they're at.

”Good morning.” I say, smiling.

Killua glances over at me.

”Oh, you're awake?” Killua inquires.

”Yeah. Just woke up now.” I reply.

”So I never got your name.” Killua says.

Oh no.

”Yeah. I didn't tell you yesterday did I.” I remembered.

Should I still give my name as 'Freeze Kill'? Or give him a different one?

”Well,” I start. ”My name is Allukima but, most people call me Freeze Kill.” I explain.

”Allukima?” He says.

”Yeah.” I say.

”Last name?” He asks.

Oh no. (Again)

”Well, you didn't tell me your name.” I quickly respond, smartly.

”True.” He looks around, probably bored.

I look at the time and it's almost half past seven.

”So, what do you want to do?” I ask.