Chapter 192 (1/2)

Yuan Gun Gun carried Na Liu Hao to the elevators. Out of the one hundred floors, she didn't know why she chose to visit floor fifty-three. She felt like she visited that floor in the past.

News of CEO Hao bringing a beautiful young woman and his son to his company spread throughout the building within minutes.

Yuan Gun Gun held onto Na Liu Hao tightly. She hated hearing the strangers gossiping. She considered going back to Hao Yan Che's office, but she felt shy around him. So she carried Na Liu Hao and continued walking around floor fifty-three.

Suddenly a woman's scream was heard. Yuan Gun Gun turned around. The heavy files fell onto the woman's feet and blood oozed out of the woman's high heels.

Na Liu Hao's violet eyes looked coldly at the drag queen woman sitting on the floor. No one doubted he was his father's son.

'You demoness, you dare throw objects at me!' the woman said.

Yuan Gun Gun looked innocently at the woman. She didn't know what the woman was talking about.

'Slut!' the woman said.

The woman picked up a glass vase and threw it at Yuan Gun Gun's face. The glass vase froze when it was a few centimetres away from Yuan Gun Gun's face. Then it was flung back to the woman's face, and the woman's forehead bled.

'Ah!' Yuan Gun Gun cried out. She put Na Liu Hao on the floor, and ran to the woman. 'I'm sorry.'

Only Yuan Gun Gun knew Na Liu Hao had powers on that floor.

The woman pushed Yuan Gun Gun away. The woman raised an arm, Yuan Gun Gun covered her face, and the woman slapped Yuan Gun Gun's head.

Yuan Gun Gun cried out, and a knife flew toward the woman's heart.

'Hao Hao, no!' Yuan Gun Gun said.

Yuan Gun Gun leapt onto Na Liu Hao's body. The knife fell onto the woman's hand.

The woman screamed, and the employees around her panicked.

'Hao Hao, how can you do this?' Yuan Gun Gun asked.

Na Liu Hao scoffed. It was the woman's fault for wanting to harm his mummy.

Feng Ting pushed through the crowd. She helped Yuan Gun Gun stand up.

'Heavens!' Feng Ting said. 'Gun Gun, is it really you? Are you OK?'

Yuan Gun Gun shook her head.

Feng Ting hugged Yuan Gun Gun.

'Gun Gun, it's really you,' Feng Ting said. 'I'm so happy you're back. Dummy, why did you leave?'