Chapter 127 (1/2)
'Yan Che Hao, do you take Gun Gun Yuan to be your lawfully wedded wife?' the priest asked.
Yuan Gun Gun laughed softly, and Hao Yan Che smiled. They both thought Gun Gun Yuan sounded funny, because the priest was asking him if he wanted to marry crying south.
'I do,' Hao Yan Che said.
'Gun Gun Yuan, do you take Yan Che Hao to be your lawfully wedded husband?' the priest asked.
Hao Yan Che squeezed Yuan Gun Gun's hands.
'I do,' Yuan Gun Gun said.
'The rings,' the priest said.
Hao Yan Che put a werewolf ring on Yuan Gun Gun's left thumb. A bright light flashed out of the werewolf ring and bound them together forever.
Yuan Gun Gun didn't know why Hao Yan Che put a ring on her thumb, but she felt happy when he put a ring on her thumb. She put his werewolf ring he wore since the day Qiu Li Luo gave it to him, on his left thumb.
The ancient blood inscription on Yuan Gun Gun's forehead shone, but only Hao Yan Che could see the inscription.
Qiu Li Luo held Hao Yan Che's hand when Yuan Gun Gun's forehead shone. Their first son was happily married.
'By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife,' the priest said. 'Yan Che Hao, you may now kiss the bride.'
Hao Yan Che pulled Yuan Gun Gun's veil over her head, and he kissed her lips. They could only hear each other's heart beats.
Rose petals confetti fell from the church ceiling and the wedding guests clapped and cheered.
Hao Yan Che took Yuan Gun Gun outside the church.
'Why can't we use chocolate confetti instead of petals?' Yuan Gun Gun asked.
Hao Yan Che laughed.
'Chocolate confetti?' Hao Yan Che asked.
'Yes,' Yuan Gun Gun said.
'Do you want to be kicked?' Hao Yan Che asked.
Yuan Gun Gun quietly got into the car.