Chapter 69 (1/2)

'I only said you're not allowed to eat breakfast,' Hao Yan Che said. 'I didn't say you're not allowed to eat lunch. If you're all meat and no brain then you deserve to starve to death.'

'Ow... my ear is falling off,' Yuan Gun Gun said.

'Go eat,' Hao Yan Che said.

Yuan Gun Gun protected her ears.

'Don't be angry,' Yuan Gun Gun said. 'I'll wait for you to eat dinner.'

Hao Yan Che pushed Yuan Gun Gun off his lap.

'I don't need you to wait for me,' Hao Yan Che said. 'Go eat.'

Yuan Gun Gun walked dejectedly out of the study room.

At eleven at night, Hao Yan Che was reviewing at work papers in bed.

'Young master, I'm going to get something,' Yuan Gun Gun said. 'I'll come back soon.'

Hao Yan Che ignored Yuan Gun Gun. She went to the pink bedroom and returned to the master bedroom with a bedcover, a bedsheet and a pillow. He immediately put the work papers on the bedside table. Then he watched her spread the bedcover on the floor near the bed, pulled the bedsheet over her body and laid her head on the pillow.

'Goodnight young master,' Yuan Gun Gun said and closed her eyes.

Hao Yan Che was frustrated Yuan Gun Gun couldn't figure out why he was angry with her.

'Did I say you can sleep?' Hao Yan Che asked.

Yuan Gun Gun opened her eyes, and stood to look at Hao Yan Che.

'Aren't you scared I'll kill you by stepping on you in the middle of the night?' Hao Yan Che asked.

Yuan Gun Gun looked at the distance between the bedsheet and the bed. She moved her night belongings far away from the bed, and smiled at Hao Yan Che.

'Thank you for reminding me,' Yuan Gun Gun said. 'Young master is a smart person.'

Hao Yan Che felt like his head was going to explode from anger.

'Come here!' Hao Yan Che said.

Yuan Gun Gun froze on the spot. Hao Yan Che got out of bed, carried her to the bed and tossed her onto the bed.

'You're the dumbest girl I've met,' Hao Yan Che said.

'Young master,' Yuan Gun Gun said and rubbed her dizzy head.

Hao Yan Che laid on top of Yuan Gun Gun's body, and kissed her lips until her lips swell.

'Dummy, use your nose to breathe,' Hao Yan Che said.

Yuan Gun Gun breathed through her nose again. Hao Yan Che let go of her, he closed his eyes, turned over and his back faced her. Seconds later, she pulled the back of his shirt.

'Young master,' Yuan Gun Gun called. 'Tell me what I did wrong. I promise I won't do it again.'