Chapter 66 (1/2)

Note: Chapter sixty-six contains mature content. Readers not of a mature age, skip chapter sixty-six.

Yuan Gun Gun knelt on the bathroom floor, and diligently massaged Hao Yan Che's body from his neck to his lower back.

A long time later, Hao Yan Che's body felt relaxed.

'Enough,' Hao Yan Che said.

Yuan Gun Gun let go of Hao Yan Che's back, and she remembered to breathe before she suffocated.

Hao Yan Che got out of the bathtub, grabbed a towel, dried his body and put on a nightshirt. Then he knelt in front of Yuan Gun Gun and caressed her hot face.

'Do you want me to help you take a bath?' Hao Yan Che asked.

'No,' Yuan Gun Gun said.

'Are you sure?' Hao Yan Che teased.

'Yes,' Yuan Gun Gun said and pressed her hand against her chest to calm her racing heart.

Hao Yan Che let Yuan Gun Gun off the hook. He stood and walked outside to the bed. If he turned around, he would have saw her collapsed because of her stiff muscles, especially her tightened heart.

In the bedroom, Hao Yan Che sat on the bed and he turned on the TV. Remembering Yuan Gun Gun's rosy shy face in the bathroom made him smile.

Seconds later, Yuan Gun Gun ran to the bedroom to blindly grab her underwear and nightshirt from a drawer. Then she ran back to the bathroom and hit her head on a wall.

'Ah...' Yuan Gun Gun cried out.

Yuan Gun Gun heard Hao Yan Che got out of bed, she suppressed her pain and ran back to the bathroom.

On the bed Hao Yan Che smiled, because he felt his rice ball was amusing.

One hour later, the rice ball didn't come out of the bathroom.

Two hours later, the rice ball still didn't come out of the bathroom.

Three hours later, Hao Yan Che walked to the bathroom.

Hao Yan Che didn't know what Yuan Gun Gun was thinking sitting on the bathroom floor. He pulled her up.

'Do you intend to sleep here?' Hao Yan Che asked.

'No,' Yuan Gun Gun said.

Hao Yan Che carried Yuan Gun Gun to the bedroom and tossed her onto the bed.

'Ow...' Yuan Gun Gun said.

Hao Yan Che pounced onto Yuan Gun Gun's body, and kissed her lips.