Chapter 57 (1/2)

'Are you going to hit me?' Yuan Gun Gun asked.

'Are you different to other people who break the rules here?' Hao Yan Che asked.

'I'm sorry I'm home late,' Yuan Gun Gun said. 'But something happened, which is why I'm home late.'

'What happened to you is your business,' Hao Yan Che said. 'You breaking the rules is my business.'

'You're right,' Yuan Gun Gun said. 'You're young master. You don't need to listen to reason before punishing someone.'

Hao Yan Che held Yuan Gun Gun's chin.

'You don't agree with the rules?' Hao Yan Che asked.

'I didn't mean to come home late,' Yuan Gun Gun said.

Hao Yan Che let go of Yuan Gun Gun's chin. He held back his anger because home came out of her mouth.

Yuan Gun Gun rubbed her sore chin. Suddenly Hao Yan Che pulled her to the bedroom, and pushed her onto the bed.

'What... are you doing?' Yuan Gun Gun asked.

Hao Yan Che ripped Na Liu Ting Du's shirt to pieces. Yuan Gun Gun sat in a fetal position to cover her body.

'Who hit you?' Hao Yan Che asked.

Hao Yan Che threw a bedsheet at Yuan Gun Gun's feet, and she quickly wrapped it around her body.

'Tell me who hit you,' Hao Yan Che said.

'My classmates,' Yuan Gun Gun said.