Chapter 387: Causing Mayhem (1/2)
Rudra's scheme was too intricate and detailed , nobody would think of manipulating hundereds of thousands , just to conquer a simple village.
Rudra wanted to take down Mercury village in a single day. Mercury village was one of the beginner villages , ran by a NPC. Hence it was not a player controlled region.
Using this fact as his advantage , Rudra decided to spread a rumor about mercury village. Contacting his Elite academy students , Rudra gave them one order , which was to anonymously spread a rumor on the forums , that gold coins randomly spawned on the streets of the beginner village of Mercury.
Along with it , post some videos of some people indeed finding a coin and crying in joy. Rudra wanted to create a complete social media scandal. Appointing all the combat division recruits to randomly keep dropping coins inside the village mercury , and keep filming and posting the reactions of other genuine parties who found it on the forums.
Rudra's army was a two day March away from Mercury village , and Rudra wanted to jam pack the village with players , before leading his army inside with common man's clothing , as groups of three or four would kill all soldiers they find on the streets blending in with the crowd.
Rudra would infiltrate the entire army as foot soldiers inside , using the crowded streets as his perfect cover.
Rudra's plan was put into motion , as the latest Topic of discussion on the forums , especially amongst the newbies was Mercury village.
Gold was an extremely valuable currency , and newbies before level 10 had almost about 10 silver worth of saving. To them 1 gold coin was a huge amount with which they could buy a lot of stuff.
Naturally , the appeal of free money brought in a lot of people the first day. As slowly but surely , the village was getting influx of a lot of solo players and newbies preffered spawning in Mercury village as their choice of location.
The triads guarding the city were quickly alarmed by the situation , as they understood the security threat behind the situation , however they were not the village chief and had no power to stop people from entering the village.
Their concerns fell on deaf ears , as the village chief was extremely happy to see the village blossom , the sales of armour and other goods had been astronomical in the last one day.
Hence the witch hunt to find random gold coins on the street started. The second day even more people joined in on the action , as freshly level 11 players who obtained the license to venture into the wild , also wanted some of the gold.
The popularity of Mercury village had skyrocketed , as everyone was posting photos of finding gold coins on the street. In one day on Rudra's orders nearly 50,000 coins had been dropped on the streets , as even those who could not find a coin themselves , were motivated as someone on The crowded street would shriek in joy when they found one.
This matter got blown out of hand when Rudra decided to fan the flames even more as he contacted Amelia , and let her post a photo of a guild recruit holding a gold coin in his hand and smiling and making an ok sign , with the caption ” Getting lucky in Mercury village ”.
This immediately recieved main stream attention , as the Elites were a very famous guild , closely followed by millions.
By the time , Rudra camped with his troops 2km outside of the Mercury village , the city had been jam packed with people , was now turning into security threat , as Rudra marginally reduced the drop rate of gold coins. Only one people would find a gold coin in nearly 15-20 minutes , which started to agitate the crowd.