Chapter 354: Girls , stop overreacting please ! (1/2)
The next month Rudra was swamped with work. However the atmosphere at work , was not exactly workable to be frank.
Four women were extremely pissed at Rudra for very different reasons... The atmosphere could be considered boiling at the very least , as shots and jabs were taken at him left and right.
Amelia was pissed at Rudra ditching work , he had to listen a long lecture about how she too had a life and that work hours do not equal 24 hours a day and emergency work should not last for 5 days a week.
While Rudra and the boys were off to questing , saving the emperor , Amelia literally had to work overtime both in game and in real life. Her throat was sore , there were dark circles under her eyes. And it seemed like she had a mild fever.
Rudra was extremely apologetic over the situation , and soo was Karna. The two were seen lurking around her work desk in the game , coming to check on her every 15 minutes or so. Trying to help her as much as they could.
At first Amelia was genuinely pissed off , but her anger soon evaporated seeing the two boys run left and right around her , and seeing their dumb attempts at logistic work.
After a while she just could not stay angry at them , they were just too cute for that. However , she wanted to enjoy the VIP treatment for a bit longer , soo she continued to act like she was pissed , now thoroughly enjoying the show.
This had a huge impact on the guild members too , when they saw Rudra and Karna running around her all the time , they understood the real power dynamic in the guild. The position of Amelia was solidified as the third boss of the guild .
The second one to be pissed off with Rudra was Furball. It could smell the faint traces of Ruby's smell on Rudra and it was actually a pleasant and calming smell of nature. She naturally did not know that the smell stemmed from a human and not another pet.
Furball had never been in contact with Elves , all she ever smelt was Humans , and humans did not smell soo good. Hence she assumed that Rudra had been fondling some other pet and was hence throwing a temper tantrum.
She would not let Rudra pet her , and pretended to be super sad. Rudra naturally could not understand why Furball was throwing a temper tantrum and hence asssumed that it was because he did not acknowledge her for a job well done .... Or perhaps because the fight had been traumatic for Furball.... Or she was mad at him for being injured.
In any case Rudra gave her more VIP treatment , he would say sorry to her and pet her for hours while working on beuracratic work of the city. Eventually Furball forgave Rudra and started to nuzzle back at him and give him licks and cuddles.
The third person to be pissed at Rudra was Naomi , she was angry at Rudra that he was reckless and got injured to a severe extent in battle. She would come everyday and angrily sit beside him as he worked and tried to heal him.
Although Furball absolutely hated her presence , she tolerated it for the time she casted her healing spells. After that she would outright start to growl at Naomi. This routine continued for a week before , seemingly Furball accepted that , the human was a wellwisher of her master , and accepted her presence .
Anytime Rudra would even mention about upcoming quests or battles , Naomi would give Rudra a menacing glare. That struck fear in Rudra's heart. That look was the same one Rudra's mom gave Max when he would not do his homework.
It was the look of ” OH ... SO YOU DARE? ”.
Rudra hence had to instinctively tone it down and lay low for the time being , as he did not want to suffer the wrath of Naomi.
Rudra did not understand why ... But Naomi's opinion mattered on stuff to him. During their healing sessions he would often ask her about administrative problems , and although she would give curt angry replies. Rudra found them to be sensible and one that provided him with a fresh perspective. He hence started to value Naomi as his advisor and doctor a lot. He was truly starting to feel as if he made his first she friend.
However there was one more person who was pissed off with Rudra , and she was Yua nakatomi , she was mad at Rudra who gave too much attention to Amelia these days. To her the behaviour between the trio of Amelia , Rudra and Karna seemed nothing ordinary.
Growing up in the corporate world , she knew very well what it meant when bosses doted on secrataries wayy too much.
She feared that Karna and Rudra would end up in an eventual fight over Amelia , causing friction in the guild and also hated the attention Amelia was able to hog off Rudra.
It was a situation where she was not right and she was not wrong either. But she was very wrong.
Hence Rudra had to deal with a daily dose of baloney , Yua was supposed to be a helping hand to Amelia , but everyday she would try to one up the lady , and take decisions she saw fit without consulting her , only to be naturally rebuked hard by the lady in charge.
This led to unnecessary friction and headache for Rudra , as Yua would come rant to him angrily about Amelia every single day , and he would have none of it. Eventually he was forced to relocate Yua to SMG 's department and appoint her as a teacher of practical knowledge like taxes and buisness application in real life. A compulsory course for all who would enroll in the Elite academy.
Hence two weeks passed with Rudra embroiled in work and balancing four angry women. Untill finally it was the opening day of the Elite academy.
It was a big day for all the guild members , as the entire guild was deeply invested in this project..... And it was sure to be grand!!