Chapter 344: Know your place .... BOY! (1/2)
( Rudra's POV , 2 minutes ago )
Rudra was racking his brains about how to break through the red barrier , when a simple line of thought entered his mind. What was the information he had about this barrier?
1) it was red in color
2) it had something to do with the red jewel that was sold in the auction.
Hence Rudra came to the conclusion that the red jewel was somehow central to this entire formation , that he needed to find the red jewel and destroy it.
Rudra split the group , and told them to circle the room , and look for a small red jewel , while he looked for it on the terrace.
Karna and Jhonny instantly started to look for the small red jewel , they had absolutely no idea why they were looking for it , however because Rudra asked for something , they only had to follow.
Karna absolutely loved this thing about Rudra, the man was an ocean of knowledge , with Rudra he felt as if he was playing with someone who had been playing Omega for years and not just the one year in which the game had been launched. Always having a future vision , Rudra was never out of options.
Right at the top of the dome covering , Emperor Cervantez's room , there was a small red gem embeded onto the ceiling , when Rudra tried to touch the gem , glowing red patterns appeared , which did not permit Rudra to touch the gem.
This was a different visual than the red barrier which he faced when he tried to open the door to emperor's room , hence he knew that atleast he found something to move forward with.
However before he could , take some time to think about how to progress from here , SMG' s urgent message came in , that informed him that Aman had reached the Patricia and Furball's location and that Rahim was there too , Rudra needed to hurry the hell up!
Rudra had 0 idea about how to destroy the gem infront of him. However short pressed against time , he took a gamble and used a powerful move that he assumed would be able to melt the gem to pieces.
Rudra used Solar Descent! , A miniature sun heated at 3500° C appeared infront of him. Even as the caster who had immunity to the spell , he felt the heat tingling his skin , however although the miniature sun was unable to penetrate the red barrier. The sheer heat of the sun , started to melt the roof and the gem itself.
Within 15 seconds , the roof under the gem buckled , as the gem fell down towards the floor , sizzling with heat , getting deformed , as the formation was finally broken!
The formation was deactivated , and Rudra jumped inside the hole he created into the emperor's room , while Karna and Jhonny came in through the front door , as soon as the formation was deactivated.
On the bed sat a jacked man with a grey braided beard , with no clothes covering his torso. Battle scars gleamed all over his upper body , showing proof of all the fierce battles he had been through all his life.
The trio unconsciously gulped seeing the man's visage. He exuded soo much pressure just sitting calmly ..... He was absolutely not an opponent one would want to make.
Rudra wanted to stay and talk to the emperor , but SMG's warning message came , he was making Patricia kneel! , Rudra lost his damn mind ... How dare he!
Rudra started to charge up the solar beam in his bracelet. He barely had enough charge left for the move .... When ready , he immediately used the soul link between himself and Furball to tell her to use replace. Replacing himself with her position , Rudra instantly used the move blasting Aman and Rahim outside the hall!
However just like the first time Rudra used the move , the second time was no different. Rudra's body was not strong enough to handle the move's recoil , as neither his physical strength , nor his mana circuits could bear the weight.
This time Rudra did not disloacate his arm , this time his arm bone was broken into a hundered pieces , as excruciating pain swept through his body.
Surprisingly , he was reduced to 40% HP , the move he dished out caused soo much recoil and internal damage to his body! .
Rudra's mind went blank for a moment , as saliva escaped his mouth while he was forced to lay on the ground. Rudra was truly lucky to have withstanded the move somewhat when he first dished it out. However , the first use had already put a lot of strain on his bones , which dislocated before breaking that time. However the small cracks that had formed from earlier use , now crumpled against the new pressure. Breaking down completely.
The price for damaging the enemy came at a heavy price for Rudra , this was an injury that would not be healed with advanced mana potions. He may recover his lost health back to 100% , however he won't regain function in his sword arm untill the broken bones heal.
Patricia was extremely happy when Rudra , finally switched places with Furball and came back .... It meant that the mission was a success. Then he surprised her by dishing out a move soo powerfull , she was in disbelief that it was something her brother could manage at tier 2. It was clearly a peak tier 4 move!