Chapter 334: Ethan Grey is the real big boss (1/2)

The moment Hao Mi was imprisoned and had the option to logout of the game , she did. Rudra knew at that very moment , that he had a very limited time before hell broke loose. Wasting no time , Rudra told every elder to logout of the game and meet inside the Elite tower conference room within 10 minutes.

Naturally everyone complied , within 5 minutes everyone was inside the real world , conference room in the upside. Amelia had also panick called Ethan Grey , who was present in the room as well.

Rudra looked across the room , and said ” The Chinese triads wanted to buy ownership of our guild and turn Purplehaze City , into a centre for their illegal activities inside the VR world. From setting black markets to slave trading to every other illegal activity punishable by the Hazelgroove national law. And wanted to use our guild as a cover for these activities. For me personally , this guild is not for sale and Purplehaze city is my HOME! , I decided to retaliate , and the next fall out of my actions is known by all of you , Hao Mi is imprisoned in our jail. I know I made this decision on my own accord , but I'm here to listen to all of your opinions now. What's our next step ”.

Karna sighed , Rudra was just impossible , he had clearly declared war and was now asking for opinion , he did not mind this at all , as finally he agreed with Rudra and his choice , the Elites were not for sale.

Ethan Grey however had a different opinion , as he calmly asked ” How much money did they offer .... ? ”.

Rudra replied ” 30 Trillion dollars for 30% , 100 trillion valuation ”.

Fatty Kalash spat water from the glass he was drinking , as he looked dumbfoundedly at Rudra ..... Why did he reject such an offer? ITS 30 FREAKING TRILLION ... He was going to faint ... This conversation was too much for him to handle.

Ethan Grey however sighed ” Damn , that's a really good offer , if it were me giving a generous evaluation of the guild , i would put it more at the 80 trillion dollar evaluation. She was really paying premium ”.

Rudra remained calm , seeing how Ethan Grey was not panicking hearing the information , and instead asking about unnecessary things , told him he was not really worried.

Rudra asked ” Hao Mi threatened that she would infiltrate the upside and kill my family , that she would ravage the guild upside down ..... What are your thoughts on this Ethan ”.

Ethan Grey started to laugh after hearing this , as a tear escaped his eye .... He said ” Let me tell you a story .... There was once a gala , where antiques were on display , bloody overpriced Chinese vases with dragons painted on them , I went there for let's say socializing reasons , that time a woman took fancy to my grey eyes and handsome face , wanted to bed me , but she dressed like a ugly Loli , hence naturally I had no interest in bedding her , but not being able to handle the rejection , the Loli insisted on taking me by force , hence a tight boot lander on her nose fair and square ,breaking it in two pieces. The gala was a social event , where I went at invitation , naturally I was kicked but she was not allowed to assasinate me. That day the girl was humiliated , however she swore to kill me that day. That ugly Loli is Hao Mi , and as you can see I'm very much alive and kicking to this day , hahahahaha ”.

Rudra raised an eyebrow .... He had to admit it , Ethan Grey was too damn cool.

Ethan continued ” I'm glad to know the bi*** got fcked by my brother as well , hahahaha , dont worry man , Ethan Grey did not build the safe haven called upside for no reason. It is for the very purpose to fight against the world while being assured of your and your family's safety. Don't worry not a hair will be harmed on those people under my watch , that is my promise ”.

Everyone in the room breathed a sigh of relief after hearing what Ethan Grey had to say , especially Rudra , now that the biggest thing weighing his mind was no longer a concern the rest could be managed , let them March an army of a million at Purplehaze city. He was not afraid that the city would fall!

Rudra was strong armed into selling 30% of his guild to Ethan Grey , that was true , however it was worth the price to get Ethan's support. Without Ethan and his backend help , the Elites would not be able to soar like they did.

And naturally the Elites delivered too , making Ethan both money and political power in a world where Omega was the biggest market.

Even though his decision was made under duress , Rudra was truly glad to have Ethan as his partner. And the feeling was mutual for Ethan Grey , he absolutely was in love with the True Elites and Rudra , he was not letting his golden goose be threatened under his watch.

Ethan Grey continued ” There are three major mafia groups in the world , that are richer than four of the six trillionare's , and then there are seven noble families , making the worlds power structure of the richest and most influential non government organisations at 16

The three major mafia groups are the chinese triads , the Russian mafia , and the Mexican cartel.

With the Russian mafia being the overlords of the underworld , followed by the chinese triads and the Mexican cartel being the weakest. However ,make no mistake even the Mexican cartel has more assets than me the fourth richest trillionare if we count money alone. However as they are illegal in nature , there is no exact amount as to how much do they have , it is only an assumption based on the economy floating.