Chapter 303: The outcome (1/2)

Just as Khabib was going to approach nightmare. Khabib missed the trap set up for this very purpose. The ground was littered with blood and just as he tried to get close to nightmare , it shot up out of nowhere piercing the barbarian from all directions.

Imagine a car going down a cliff and a tree with multiple branches pierces the car. That's exactly how Khabib looked as he suffered critical damage under the assault.

-21,000 CRITICAL HIT !

This was a intricate trap set up by nightmare , he had carefully split one of the javelins into two , when it was attacking Khabib , then when he was blindsided fighting the other four Lance's , he carefully pulled it back and made it spill on the ground.

When Khabib charged in , unaware of this fact , seeing the four dots of blood hovering over nightmare , he did not suspect anything was wrong , and hence paying the cost dearly as he walked into a trap.

Khabib was stunned , he had to retreat quickly , he had lost a third of his max HP and he was not happy about it. Nightmare however resumed his relentless assault on Khabib , much to the shock of both Rudra and Khabib , did his mana not run out? What was up with his relentless assault?

It was back to the same stalemate as before , with Khabib , however things were a little different now , Khabib had lost a third of his HP and the pressure was significantly more. In a bold move , Khabib launched one of the special moves of the dark barbarian class ,' darkness rage ' , and tried to power his way through to nightmare .

With his increased strength and speed , nightmare's attacks were not able to keep up , and Khabib was making his way quickly towards nightmare. When the distance closed into less than ten meters , nightmare was forced to retreat his blood for defense , and for the first time in the match , he had to engage in defense. Khabibs axe plowed into nightmares blood shield , which was flung away on impact. Unlike a normal shield the blood shield was not strong at all , many of his attacks cut right through the blood shield , and nightmare was forced to physically dodge them. However slowly getting in the rhythm Khabib used a brilliant axe skill to create an opening to attack , where he was able to throw his axe right into the chest of nightmare , as it stuck to his armour with a sickening thud.


Blood trickled down nightmare's chest , as shock was clearly visible in his eyes. This was the first time ever that somebody had damaged him. However it was replaced with a sick grin , as he used a move Rudra had never seen before, the four blood weapons disintigrated into four large pools of blood and started to spin at high velocity, the four dots disintigrated into eight then sixteen , then thirty two .... Uptill the entire arena was filled with small blood dots.

This was Khabib 's opening , the weapons had stopped attacking , and he wanted to take full advantage of this , however, never did he expect that before he could take a single step , nightmare uttered a single word ' Blood Bullet ' , as the countless dots of blood fired at Khabib , and plattered him like real bullets!


