Chapter 266: The day one (1/2)
When all the teams had assembled at their marching spots after Zimbabwe completed their March , the forntrunner started his run with the ceremonial torch in his hand.
The flagbearer was the right given to the person having the highest level in the game , this year it was the Irish enigma 'Parallax' .
At level 82 he was 7 levels clear of Rudra who had a 16 level bump because of slaying a dragon. That spoke miles about his strength as a player.
As a comparision , the average player levels globally was 40 , while the amongst the strong elites it was about 58 , even Japanese representatives and top players like Karna and SMG were only tier two level 63.
Even the level freak Neatwit was not a freak compared to the behemoth Parallax , it was not a farfetched thing to say that he was currently one of the best players in the game.
His stride arrogant , as he held the torch , his body exuded the dominance of a alpha male. Rudra paid close attention to the man , as in his past life parallax was the player who won the one v one battle and the beat the clock challenge. Both events where Rudra was participating .
Rudra was on a inevitable collision course against the man. Most would be scared to face the superior levelled player because of the stat disadvantage , however Rudra was not. If the brat wanted to bring it , he would more than welcome the challenge.
Undefeated and unperturbed , the man was high in confidence. Unofficially on the forums he was hailed as the number one player.
Various super guilds had offered him lucrative contracts to join them , but he remained unmoved , Ethan Grey was also amongst them. Rudra in his potential list of players to recruit submitted his name to Ethan , who did try his best to recruit the guy , however he remained firm in his decision to not join any guild.
The Irishman lit the torch , as applause rained down on the man for officially opening the first ever VR Olympics.
A cuber official then gave a short speach about the spirit of the game and other typical boring stuff to which Rudra paid no attention. finally in the end , Gaia , manifested herself on the podium , and with a unearthly divine appearance , raised her arms as she said ” I the overseer declare the first VR Olympics , open ! ”.
Fireworks started to burst with her declaration , the first ever VR Olympics had officially started. This scene was being watched by billions worldwide , in less than 12 hours , the first event would start , on day one , 3 events were scheduled which were
Beat the clock.
Rudra had a event on the very first day, hence there was no time for him to focus on other things.
After the VR Olympics was declared open , there was a one hour informal meet between all participants. The teams mixed with each other as words were exchanged and players taunted.
There were 4 main power groups visible in the arena
The trans Pacific alliance of USA , India , Japan and Australia
The European union
The African union
And the middle eastern union.
Apart from these four , there was also the big powerhouses Russia and China.