Chapter 252: Naomi (1/2)

After the third circle was over , the safezone was made about 3kms from Rudra's location. The squad needed to move inside the zone.

There were no transportation vehichles , hence one needed to move on foot to cover the distance. Rudra opened the map and thought about the geographically safest route into the zone.

The team picked a light jogging speed as they moved towards the safe zone. The area was comparatively safe , however there was a stretch of 200 meters where there was tall grass that they had to cross.

Rudra hated such tall grassy areas , anyone could be mounting an ambush in such areas , and he hated such cowardly tactics.

Slowing down , the team moved at a 5 meter distance from each other.

Rudra heard rustling of grass , and he immediately paused. And raised his hand to caution everyone behind him.

It was a tense moment in the game , as no more rustling of grass could be heard. Rudra stayed vigilant nonetheless , as he slowed his movement , moving very carefully.

Then suddenly he jumped as high as he could , to get a aerial view of the opponents. As he expected , two campers were lying there flat on their bellies in the talk grass , with swords in hand , just waiting to ambush the enemy players.

Rudra immediately launched a thunderblast , it hit one of the player squarely , As the high damage move , one shotted him to be killed.

Rudra immediately , unsheathed both his swords as he closed in on the second one's location. He parried one of the enemy's sword strikes with one sword of his own , while twisted his hand to stab the second one right down his neck .

The enemy stared wide eyed into Rudra's cold eyes , as Rudra said ” I HATE SNAKES ”.

Using the other hand he slashed the opponents neck for a clean kill.

The opponent died.

Making shortwork of the opponents , Rudra calmly sheathed his swords , as the team kept moving forward.

When Rudra glanced towards Neatwit , Neatwit simply said ” Orochimaru ”.

Rudra smirked , and Neatwit bursted laughing.

Yume and Nero did not understand the inside joke and felt like they were missing out.

The kill count of the team went up to 18 , as Rudra they entered top 50 survivors .

Reaching the zone in time , Rudra decided to camp at the zone's edge for the time , and keep moving zone to zone with each subsequent shrink.

The zone shrinks from the fourth onwards were relatively closer to reach with only 200 meters to cover , however slowly but surely the playzone was shortening.

Only one settlement remained in the safezone , setllement A.

Rudra made way to the outmost boundry house of settlement A , where upon entering , he heard footsteps from the floor above him.

The team of four were on the ground floor , and Rudra suspected that a squad was camping right above them.

Nero used his undead , to storm the stairs , as a bombardment of spells ensued on the undead.

With this exchange Rudra understood one thing , there were powerfull mages camping above him. And rushing blindly would spell doom for him.


( Meanwhile , Naomi's POV , Purplehaze city )

The 10 man capture the flag event was scheduled for tommorow , hence Karna was at the guild , strategizing about the coming event , when Naomi walked up to him.

Karna looked surprised as he had never really talked to the girl before , only a few pleasantries had been exchanged .... Karna said ” Yes .... Do u need something ? ”.

Naomi was hesitant , she wanted to say a lot , however did not know from where to start , or how to approach the topic.

She often tried to muster the words , but could not utter them finally , after 20 seconds , her face was red in embarassment.