Chapter 224: The overlord of Purplehaze city (1/2)
(virtual world , Purplehaze city , the royal palce)
Back in the virtual world , Rudra , Karna and the other elders were all present at the Royal palace , today was the day that they would be conferred the management rights of the city!
In a court full of court officials , Rudra stood in the middle , surrounded by other winners of major cities , all of them called here today to be conferred their official management rights , by the king.
The court official said ” The great eminence , the sun of the kingdom , the mighty , the kind , the merciful , emperor of Hazelgroove kingdom , Emperor Aman , had sent a decree to call on adventurers for help against the beast tide and for those who performed exemplarily well , promised a reward of managing rights to the city they protected , hence today , here , at the royal court of Hazelgroove kingdom , the Emperor will stay true to his word , come forward as your names have been called , and you shall be conferred your title as Mayor's of your respective city , and your guild will be given the administration authority ”.
First ” Machoboy from the guild DizzyShip has been conferred the title of Mayor of nighttown”.
” Konan from the guild paperbags , has been conferred the title of Mayor of HiddenMist Village ”.
” AND LASTLY THE CAPITAL CITY OF PURPLEHAZE .... Shakuni of the True Elites , you have been conferred the title of Mayor of Purplehaze city! For your merit for the kingdom , come and hand over your merit token to encash on the 100,000 points ”.
Rudra bowed slightly towards Aman, as he said ” I'm sorry my Emperor , a foolish guildmate has lost the token , I will be unable to encash the token ”.
The courtier immediately frowned , he said ” How irresponsible , are you even capable of of managing Purplehaze City? ”.
The courtier had said this statement at the wrong place at the wrong time , as when this remark was made , Patricia rose from her seat , and unleashed her killing intnent towards the courtier.
Aman who was silently watching the situation , understood that Rudra's excuse about loosing the token was bull**** , he had probably understood the real worth of the token and decided to keep it for himself , the token was overall not as valuable as the ties with the Won knight family , he also had a bone dragon under him now , hence he did not need the token per se.
Aman shouted ” IMPUDENT ”. As a small flick of his finger brought the courtier to his knees.
” Mercy my lord , mercy ” the courtier shouted , terrified of the development.
” Aman looked squarely at the man and said , Know your place , Baron ! ”.
The man peed himself under pressure , as a small pool of slightly yellow liquid surrounded the place where he was.
Aman continued ” even without the token , your guild is rightfully the number one contributor , hence I will let this matter slide here , the court is concluded”.