Chapter 162: war (3) (1/2)

The appearance of the ballistae caused the alliance members to panick , and hence the inexperienced soldiers broke the ranks and the attack formation was ruined.

However slowly but surely a few members started to teach the north gate. Hacking the wood with their weapons. The big and burly ones took a short run up and tried to ram themselves onto the gates shoulder first.

However for some reason , the door wouldnot budge. But not understanding the reason behind it , they kept attacking the door nonetheless.

The alliance leaders quickly issued an order for all long range classes to attack the ballistae. However to their nightmare their lower ground disadvantage and the ballistae's long range barrage , made it impossible to get in a safe range to attack the ballistae.

The few who did manage to get even a bit close had a javellin pierced through their body , courtsey of Rudra and Karna , who were only on the lookout for such people.

Half an hour passed just like that and close to 40 thousand alliance members had died under the contsant assault of arrows and javellins. The alliance had absolutely no answers for the incoming assault of the ballistae.

People watching world wide were awed , as many started to beleive that if the Elites could mentain the current situation for an hour longer , the entire war situation may change.

Where many experts predicted the war to be over within the first 30 minutes , the actual reality was that after 30 minutes , not a single Elite was dead , however close to 40 thousand alliance members were ... Their numbers dwindling to 2,10,000 men!

However finally at that time , someone finally cut through the wooden gate , but what he saw through the small opening he made , made him despair. THERE WAS A GODDAMN WALL BEHIND THE GATE.

this made no sense , why is there a wall behind the gate??


And naturally the message ran across the battlefield , that there was a wall behind the gate.

Rudra smiled hearing the message , it was about time that they found out about it. Now he could turn things up a notch.

The alliance leaders were dumbfounded , there was a wall behind the gate? Wasnt the fort supposed to be impregnated once the gate was breached? Then why was there a wall?

Scorpio shouted in desperation ” Half of the party members , circle to the east gate'”.



This was the issue in commanding such a large army , by the time the command manually reached the front line , the initial command of ' Half ' members circle to the east gate , became , Circle to the east gate.

As droves and droves of players started to circle towards the east gate.

The abrupt change in charging direction caused the army to form a congested group , that was easy pickings for the ballistae.

In the five minutes following the command , close to 15,000 alliance members lost their lives. As they tried to reach the East gate.