Chapter 84: Scouting (1/2)
About 2 weeks had passed since the alliance declared its supression of True Elites guild , and since then overtime they had blacklisted 7 second rate guilds , 23 third rate guilds , while all solo adventurer parties had to pay heavy taxes to play the game. Hence they were recieving more and more public outrage.
The alliance members were drunk on their power though , as collecting taxes had lined up their guild warehouses , whereas the respect brought by fear was a addictive feeling .
They could throw their weight around and truly feel superior to other players in the kingdom , only the guilds under the alliance first rate guilds enjoyed the tax free privilages. However drunk with greed , they made a token amount of tax for the guilds under them .
Even though it seemed like a small amount compared to the large taxes they levied on solo players , it was significant once the volume was considered. The seven alliance guilds were getting rich ..... Real rich !
Many players reached level 40 over the last few days and although many dont have mounts or have horses or other common mounts , they finally started raiding the lv40 dungeon .
There was no first clears heard yet , even though all of the seven big guilds had been trying the dungeon at normal mode for about 2 days now.
This was common news amongst all citizens as videos of their dungeon runs would be livestreamed through various networks. The show was very popular too as it brought good ratings. The players who shined in a fight enjoyed some fame , whereas the credibility of the dungeon being very hard to clear became widespread .
Although no other adventurer parties had full 50 man team at lv 40 or above to raid the dungeon , two second rate guilds that did have them , were denied entry.
The dungeon was monopolised and spawn camped by about 10,000 alliance members from all guilds. Stationed as the leader of the camp , the vice guild master of RealManchester the veterran captain 'pogba' , was an exellent leader with real life millitary baground.
Rudra had been scouting the place for quite sometime now , trying to come up with strategies to break the formation of the camp.
The camp was set in three concentric circles , with archer and mages being stationed at high grounds with cover ..... It was extremely difficult to pass through the encirclement , as there were not many openings to exploit.
Wether it was the first ring , the second or the third , the deeper you went into the formation , the deeper you were holed up , you will just get yourself surrounded trying to break in as there were no blind spots to exploit in the seige.
Having planned for a longtime , Rudra came up with an idea. First he decided to rile up the faction a bit ........
Rudra Disguised as Augustus Won Knight , with his mask and a distinct blue Robe strode confidently towards the encirclement.
At the outermost layer he was stopped.
” Turn back , a guildless like you cant pass through here , if you dont want to loose a level , SCRAM ”.
Rudra was calm , recording the incident and said ” You cant just block a dungeon over your free will , this is your last warning , lay off the seige and SCRAM ”.
The face of the alliance member twitched ” Cocky , aren't you ... Well let me teach you some manners”. He said drawing his sword ..... As about 20 members around him drew their weapons , even one archer locked aim at Rudra!
Rudra smirked ” Fools”. He said taking out Excalibur , he was like a ghost ..... These lv 30 noobs were no match for him as he single handedly decimated the group of 20 , before shooting the archer with a shadow blast , killing all 21.
-7000 Critical hit